How Many Inquisitors Are Still Alive in 2024?

As an avid Star Wars gamer and content creator, I am frequently asked about the status of the Imperial Inquisitors – the deadly Jedi hunters who serve Darth Vader and the Empire.

So how many of these ominous Force wielders are still prowling the galaxy as of 2023 looking for Jedi to kill? According to the latest official Star Wars canon, there are three Inquisitors definitively confirmed to still be alive:

  • The Grand Inquisitor
  • Fifth Brother
  • Eighth Brother

But more could certainly emerge in future stories. Let‘s analyze what we know about each surviving Inquisitor and their current activities.

The Sinister Inquisitorius: Jedi Hunters of the Empire

For those unfamiliar with the Inquisitorius, they are an elite squad of Force sensitive agents tasked by Darth Vader with hunting down any surviving Jedi Knights following Order 66. Once Jedi themselves, they fell to the dark side and now serve the Empire with ruthless devotion.

Equipped with deadly double-bladed lightsabers capable of spinning like helicopters, the Inquisitors are a force to be reckoned with. Their mandate is to leave no Jedi alive.

Grand Inquisitor

Status: Alive

Last Seen: Obi-Wan Kenobi series (9 BBY)

Believed dead after Rebels, the Grand Inquisitor shockingly returned in Obi-Wan Kenobi having survived his fight with Kanan Jarrus.

With his black armor, sunken face, and haunting eyes, the Grand Inquisitor cuts an intimidating figure. As the highest ranking Inquisitor, he answers directly to Lord Vader himself.

According to the Star Wars: Galactic Atlas factbook, the Grand Inquisitor was once a Jedi Temple Guard. His mastery of the double-bladed saber allowed him to strike fear into Jedi survivors.

In Obi-Wan Kenobi, the Grand Inquisitor is revealed to have been secretly manipulating the Third Sister Reva from behind the scenes. This shows he is a cunning strategist in addition to a vicious warrior.

We can presume as of 2023, approximately 14 years after his last appearance, the Grand Inquisitor likely continues leading Jedi hunting efforts across the galaxy to cement the Empire‘s rule. I wouldn‘t be surprised if he crosses sabers with Obi-Wan Kenobi himself again one day.

Fifth Brother

Status: Alive (Presumed)

Last Seen: Darth Vader: Dark Lord of the Sith comics (19 BBY)

The Fifth Brother is a mysterious masked Inquisitor who debuted in the Marvel Darth Vader comics set shortly after Revenge of the Sith.

Along with other Inquisitors of this era like the Eighth Brother, the Fifth Brother assisted Darth Vader in operations against Jedi survivors on Mon Cala and the Kashyyyk Wookiee homeworld.

His final fate after these early missions is unknown. However, the fact no story has declared him deceased means this deadly Inquisitor could very well still be active across the Empire in 2024.

Wielding a dual red-bladed saberstaff, the Fifth Brother has proven to be a highly skilled duelist able to defeat Jedi Masters. If he remains alive, he would be a chief Jedi hunter during the Imperial Inquisition‘s golden age.

Eighth Brother

Status: Alive (Presumed)

Last Seen: Darth Vader: Dark Lord of the Sith comics (19 BBY)

Like the Fifth Brother, the Eighth Brother has not appeared in Star Wars stories for some time. Yet his last chronological appearance saw him quite active while assisting Darth Vader.

With his frightening metal mask and double-bladed spinning lightsaber, the Eighth Brother fits right in with his brethren. He has demonstrated cunning tactics for rooting out Jedi survivors.

During the Jedi Purge‘s early stages alongside Vader, the Eighth Brother participated in Inquisitorius operations on Mon Cala, Kashyyyk, and an attack on Senator Bail Organa.

No tales have revealed his end following these exploits. Given the Inquistorius‘ importance, he could very well remain a vital Jedi hunter 14+ years later in 2024 operating Vader‘s nefarious will across the Empire.

Could More Inquisitors From the Past Still Be Alive?

In addition to the three Inquisitors above definitively alive, it‘s possible others from past stories like the Seventh Sister or Fourth Sister could resurface. Their final fates are unclear.

Perhaps they retreated wounded after being bested by Jedi fugitives, only to return deadlier than ever later on. An Inquisitor rising from defeat would certainly please Vader.

I theorize chief Inquisitor hunter Lord Vader would grant survivors clemency if they pledged deeper commitment to the dark side and his cause. It is likely only death is irredeemable to him.

Below is a table summarizing the status of all known Inquisitors from current Star Wars canon:

InquisitorStatusLast Seen
Grand InquisitorAlive9 BBY
Second SisterDeceased14 BBY
Third SisterDeceased10 BBY
Fourth SisterUnknown14 BBY
Fifth BrotherAlive (Presumed)19 BBY
Sixth BrotherDeceased14 BBY
Seventh SisterUnknown4 BBY
Eighth BrotherAlive (Presumed)19 BBY
Ninth SisterDeceased14 BBY

I will update this table as future Star Wars stories reveal more.

The Future of the Inquisitorius

While only three Inquisitors are definitively confirmed alive, the Imperial Inquisition itself undoubtedly continues going strong in 2024. There is also likely a new generation being trained.

Creator Dave Filoni has said his team intentionally left the status of certain Inquisitors like Seventh Sister vague. This leaves the door open for their return.

And the ruthless Darth Vader would never leave an organization as important as the Inquistorius understaffed for long. It is essential to his own standing within the Empire.

I predict cunning Force sensitives from the Empire‘s academy on Lothal are being continuously recruited and seduced by the dark side to join the Inquisitorius.

These new additions would compensate for any Inquisitors lost over the years to boost their numbers. With thousands of Jedi once spread across the galaxy, hunting them to extinction is still an ongoing process requiring constant vigilance even 14+ years after Order 66.

Conclusion: A Sinister Menace That Will Never Die

As one can see, while only three Inquisitors are definitively confirmed alive, the Imperial Inquistion itself and its diabolical mission remains very active across the galaxy.

And with talented new dark side acolytes surely being continuously recruited and trained by Darth Vader himself on Mustafar or Lothal, the Inquisitorius as an organization will never die. Not as long as even one Jedi fugitive survives.

This is terrible news for any surviving Jedi Knight or apprentice still in hiding as we march inevitably toward the events of A New Hope. With the cold and calculating Grand Inquisitor seemingly still leading Jedi hunting efforts in 2024, no spark of rebellion can afford to ignite carelessly.

So in summary – how many Inquisitors are prowling the galaxy 14+ years after Order 66? While only three are definitively known to remain alive, the dark prophecy states: always two there are, a master and an apprentice.

I suspect more of these deadly Force warriors yet lurk in Vader‘s shadow, waiting to snuff out anymore would-be Jedi heroes foolish enough to activate their sabers or access their Force powers, giving their position away.

The Galactic Empire rules supreme. And the Inquisitorius will remain integral to upholding that rule. May the Force be with any Jedi still hoping to survive and pass their teachings one day to a new generation.

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