How Much Storage Space Does Honkai Impact 3rd Really Require in 2024?

As a long-time Honkai Impact player and content creator myself, one question I get asked a lot by new Captains is – just how much storage space does this game need?

Well, over 4+ years following MiHoYo‘s hit anime-style ARPG, I can tell you Honkai Impact 3rd is undoubtedly one of the most storage-hungry mobile and PC games out there in 2024.

So Exactly How Many GBs Does Honkai Impact Take Up?

Let‘s start by looking at some clear baseline numbers:

On Mobile:

| Version | App Size | Total Storage Needed |
| ———– | ———– |
| Initial Install | 1.5 – 2 GB | 8 GB |
| Current (v6.3) | 3.2 GB | 16 GB |

On Android/iOS, Honkai Impact 3rd app install size starts small around 2 GB. But post-install with HD packs, voice-overs, new story chapters? You‘ll want at least 16 GB free, potentially more over time.

On PC (Windows/Steam):

| Version | Install Size | Total Required Space |
| ———– | ———– |
| Launch (2018) | 15 GB | 30 GB |
| Current (v6.3) | 41 GB | 60 GB |

For the PC client, the baseline install footprint is a beefy 15 GB thanks to Honkai‘s cutting-edge graphics. With ongoing updates? We‘re talking 60+ GB free space as a Honkai Captain today.

Compared to its sibling Genshin Impact (~30 GB), HonkaiImpact gobbles up almost 2x as much disk real estate despite a smaller open world!

Why Does Honkai Impact Take Up So Much Storage?

As a fellow Captain desperately juggling Honkai‘s storage needs with dwindling phone space, what explains Honkai‘s extreme hunger for GBs?

1. Next-Gen Mobile Graphics

Simply put – Honkai raises the bar for mobile graphics with console-quality production values. The game‘s gorgeous 3D animations, effects and scenes are on par with many PlayStation hits, thanks to:

  • Elaborate character/boss models with 10k+ density meshes
  • Extreme draw distances only found in AAA open world titles
  • Real-time lighting, shadows & post-processing in action sequences

All that graphical fidelity requires thousands of MBs in texture, geometry, audio assets per scene update.

2. Voice Acting and Multi-Language Support

Honkai Impact goes above and beyond adding full JP/CN/EN voice acting for all new story chapters & characters. With 4+ languages now supported, high-quality voice data takes up significant storage space.

Veteran players recommend downloading only needed voice packs.

3. Open World Regions

Recent v5.0+ updates added Honkai‘s take on Genshin style open world exploration to the game. These expansive new areas like Nagazora cram a ton of terrain geometry, events, quests which piles on the GBs.

4. Accumulated Game Cache & Temporary Files

As a constantly updated live service game, years of accumulated cached graphics, outdated files etc. bloat Honkai‘s storage footprint. Remember to clean caches to free up space!

Forecasting Honkai Impact‘s 2023 & 2024 Storage Needs

Honkai Impact‘s extreme storage requirements stem from its unmatched production values among mobile titles combined with over 4+ years of new content updates.

Looking ahead, Captains will need to budget for incremental GB growth with every quarterly v7.0+ chapter drop adding sleek anime graphics, new battlesuits, open world zones and story CGI cinematics well into 2023-2024.

I estimate most players need to set aside up to 100 GB for Honkai Impact 3rd through its ambitious multi-year roadmap!

So while Honkai gleefully gobbles up storage space – that‘s a small price to pay for the coveted Captain experience and keeping up with Kiana, Mei & Bronya‘s mindblowing adventures!

Let me know down in the comments how YOU make room for Honkai Impact 3rd‘s storage spree on your mobile or PC!

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