How much is 1k views on Facebook?

As a passionate gamer and content creator myself, I often get asked – just how much money can you make from Facebook views?

It‘s a great question, because while Facebook offers massive reach, the monetization options are quite different from platforms like YouTube or Twitch.

In this in-depth guide, I‘ll break down exactly how much 1,000 views – typically referred to as 1k views – are worth on Facebook across both paid advertising and unpaid organic content.

Paid Facebook Ads – What Advertisers Pay for 1k Views

First, let‘s quickly cover what advertisers themselves pay when promoting ads on Facebook. This will give us a benchmark for the platform‘s monetization potential.

Facebook makes the vast majority of its revenue from advertisements. And most Facebook ads are sold on a CPM (cost per thousand impressions) model.

This means advertisers pay a rate based on the number of times their ads are viewed or "served", usually measured in units of 1,000 impressions.

According to WordStream, the average CPM on Facebook in 2022 was $7.19 across all industries.

Average Cost Per 1k Impressions (CPM)$7.19

So as an advertiser on Facebook, you can expect to pay around $7 for every 1,000 views your ads receive.

Of course, actual advertising costs can vary significantly based on factors like audience targeting, format, competition, optimization, and more. But in general most Facebook ads cost between $5 to $10 per 1k impressions.

So clearly Facebook views have VALUE – advertisers are willing to pay money in hopes of converting those views into sales, leads, or some other ROI.

But as creators, how can WE tap into that value and start earning from those views directly?

I‘ll cover that next.

Monetizing Organic Reach as a Creator on Facebook

Unlike YouTube which shares ad revenue with creators directly, Facebook does NOT pay creators or publishers for organic unpaid content views.

But that doesn‘t mean there‘s no monetization potential from reaching an audience on Facebook. As creators, we just need to employ different strategies.

As gaming creators and streamers, there are two main tactics we can leverage:

In-Stream Video Ads

Facebook offers creators the ability to run video ads directly within your video content. Known as "in-stream video ads", these are similar to the formats creators use on YouTube or Twitch to monetize content.

In 2022, Facebook paid out over $3 billion to creators for those in-stream video ads:

2022 StatValue
In-Stream Payouts to Creators$3 billion+

The amount you can earn will depend on your individual CPM rates based on viewership, placements, demand, content type, and more factors. But as a rough gauge:

CPM RangeRevenue Per 1k Views
$5.00 (average)$5

As you can see, top gaming creators on Facebook likely earn over $10 per 1k video views. However, rates likely start lower for most.

But Facebook provides immense reach even for newcomers. So over time, 1k daily views can become 10k…and eventually 100k daily views or more!

My tips for maximizing in-stream ad earnings:

  • Enable in-stream on all new uploads
  • Experiment with optimal ad frequency and placements
  • Produce engaging >10 minute videos
  • Target high RPM gaming niches like MOBAs, MMOs, Battle Royales

Over time with enough viewership volume, in-stream ads can become a significant passive income on Facebook.

Now let‘s discuss the second monetization tactic…

Driving Traffic to Affiliate Offers or Online Stores

In addition to in-stream ads, we creators can also leverage Facebook‘s massive organic reach to promote affiliate product links, online stores, or other owned monetized sites.

The strategy here is simple:

  1. Capture audience attention with great organic videos and content
  2. Include affiliate links or site promotions in descriptions
  3. Drive high-intent traffic off Facebook to monetized destinations

The income potential with this tactic ultimately depends on:

  • Your conversion/sales rate
  • Commission levels on products
  • Prices of products sold

For example, promoters in ecommerce niches often aim to earn a 1-10% commission selling online courses or physical products.

So if you have a 10% commission product, and sell 1 unit for every 100 website visitors…then effectively:

ViewsWebsite TrafficSalesEarned (10% commission)
1,0001001$10 (at $100 sale price)

As you can see from this example, just 10,000 views per day could earn $100 in passive affiliate commissions.

Now just imagine if you built up your Facebook following to drive 100,000+ daily visitors to your site? The potential is huge thanks to Facebook‘s unparalleled reach.

My tips here:

  • Focus on high-converting affiliate offers relevant to your niche
  • Promote links in video descriptions and pinned posts/links
  • Build trust and call viewers to take action

Driving traffic to our own monetized sites or offers allows us as creators to leverage Facebook‘s strengths…without needing to rely solely on the platform for monetization.

Summarizing the Potential

So to summarize based on the rates and strategies outlined above:

Monetization TacticEarning Rate Per 1k Views
In-Stream Video Ads$1 – $10+
Affiliate Links / Site Traffic$10 – $100+ *

As you can see, both tactics provide the potential to earn from Facebook views. Though actual income relies heavily on audience size and engagement.

In summary though, 1k views represents:

  • ~$7 in value to advertisers
  • $1 – $10+ in direct earnings for creators
  • And up to $100+ in indirect affiliate / site earnings

So while it may take time and strategy…with consistency, there IS real money to be made from Facebook as a gaming creator.

I hope you found this breakdown helpful! Let me know if you have any other questions in the comments.

And as always, be sure to LIKE + SUBSCRIBE if you want to see more content and guides like this focused specifically on growing and monetizing as a gaming creator on Facebook!

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