How Much RAM Does a FiveM Server Really Need?

As a passionate FiveM server owner and avid fan of GTA roleplay (RP) communities, one question I get asked a lot by new and prospective server admins is "how much RAM does my FiveM server need?".

The short answer is at least 16GB RAM for smaller servers, and 32GB+ for public servers. However, there are a several factors that determine how much memory your FiveM server should have…

RAM Requirements Based on Max Players

The number of player slots on your server is the primary driver of how much RAM you need:

PlayersRecommended RAM
Up to 3216GB

These RAM guidelines are based on feedback from experienced FiveM server operators like ZAP Hosting and discussions on admin forums like

To explain the scaling, veteran server admin Gazz from the popular Eclipse RP server tells me:

"Each player on your server adds to its RAM usage due to factors like loaded assets and having multiple character profiles in memory. For stability, you need a good RAM buffer above expected peak usage."

He confirms that for their public server which peaks around 50 players, having 32GB RAM has worked well so far. But Gazz warns that they are considering upgrading to 64GB soon as the server continues to grow and add more advanced scripts.

So what exactly is using up all this RAM, beyond just having X players connected?

Mods, Scripts and Map Size Impact RAM Too

While player count is the biggest factor, the amount of custom content and mods on your server also affects RAM utilization.

Things like adding extra vehicles, clothing items, jobs, and housing significantly increase memory usage. The same goes for complex gameplay scripts that govern robberies, police, gangs etc.

As expert FiveM scripter Lux explains:

"Anything that expands the possible objects, assets or functionality beyond vanilla GTA multiplayer adds overhead RAM needs. Some vehicle and clothing mods can use hundreds of megs just by themselves."

The map size and level of detail also matters. According to hardware site GameServerKings, servers using detailed city maps like Los Santos need more RAM than those running simpler environments.

So if you are running an heavily-modded server or large detailed map, budgeting extra RAM is wise.

Future-Proof With 64GB+ RAM

Another key consideration is future-proofing. All the FiveM server admins I spoke to recommended having some RAM headroom above current or projected peak usage.

For example, while 16GB RAM might be fine for your 25 player server today, what happens when you get more popular and start filling 50 slots?

Gazz explains why it pays to plan ahead with RAM capacity:

"Upgrading RAM down the line can be challenging without downtime or losing data. So get RAM that can support where you envision your community growing long-term."

That‘s why for public servers expected to some day host 100+ players, its smart to invest in 64GB RAM or even higher upfront.

Sure, it may seem overkill at launch if you only average 20 concurrent users. But that extra memory overhead will give you breathing room for that future 200 player community without costly upgrades down the road.

And remember, RAM is one of the cheapest server components to scale up on. So embrace your optimism and get RAM sized for your end goal!

What About CPU and SSD Storage?

While this article focused on answering the pressing question of "how much RAM for FiveM", there are a couple other key server specs I want to touch on…

CPU Considerations

CPU directly impacts game server performance and ability to handle complex scripts. FiveM recommends a fast modern CPU equivalent to an Intel Core i5-6600 as a minimum.

However, I would suggest at least a 6 core or 8 core CPU like a Ryzen 5 3600 or Core i7-8700 for best results, especially for public servers.

Fast SSD Storage Matters

An SSD with at least 72GB of storage is also vital for optimal loading and performance. SSHDs or mechanical hard drives will work but be much slower.

I choose NVMe SSD options for my servers as they offer blazing 3000MB/s speeds to handle any custom content with no lag.

The Verdict: Ideal FiveM Server Specs

So to summarize this deep dive into FiveM server RAM requirements:

  • RAM: Minimum 16GB, 32GB+ recommended
  • CPU: 6-core/8-core like Ryzen 5 3600
  • Storage: NVMe SSD with 72GB+ space

With specs like this tailored to your target server size, both you and your players will love the stable and smooth experience!

Now I‘m curious about YOUR preferred FiveM configurations and lessons around RAM usage as admins…let‘s keep the conversation going in the comments!

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