How Old is Woods in Call of Duty?

To answer the question outright – Frank Woods is 95 years old as of 2025 based on the latest Call of Duty: Black Ops and Warzone storylines. For devoted fans keeping track of Woods appearances and exploits over the years, understanding his age provides helpful context surrounding this legendary character.

The History of Frank Woods Across Call of Duty

Frank Woods first burst onto the Call of Duty scene in 2010‘s blockbuster hit Black Ops. Set during the Cold War era 1960s-80s, Woods was portrayed as a hardened CIA special forces operative in his 30s who carried out deniable black ops missions.

"The years haven‘t slowed you down one bit."

– Alex Mason to a middle-aged Frank Woods in Black Ops 2

Flash forward to 2025 within Black Ops II, and players are introduced to a senior-citizen Woods advising David Mason, the son of his old friend Alex Mason.

"Old man still knows how to handle a weapon!"

– Frank Woods in Black Ops II

This advancing timeline places Woods in his mid 50s during the 1980s events of Black Ops Cold War, and around 95 years old in the late 2020s setting of Black Ops II and Warzone.

For fans invested in Woods since that first Black Ops game, seeing him retain his grit and humor well into his 90s makes him all the more beloved. He‘s the ultimate embodiment of a seasoned operator.

Key Story Moments Across Frank Woods‘ Late Career

Frank Woods has endured no shortage of violence and trauma across over 40 years of covert operations:

  • 1986 (Age ~30): Woods is abandoned during Operation Charybdis and presumed dead. He instead survives capture by General Manuel Noriega in Panama.
  • 1986 – 2025 (~30-95): Woods suffers prolonged torture and imprisonment under Noriega. Both of his legs are amputated at an unknown point during this ~30 year confinement.
  • 2025 (Age ~95): Woods participates in the assault on The Vault retirement home, rescuing former teammate Alex Mason. Despite advanced age and prosthetics, Woods handles weapons and eliminates threats with precision.

While confined under Noriega, Woods missed out on decades of world events. But despite enduring unimaginable brutality, Woods held onto his核酸Bronx stubbornness??? and sulfurous wit.

"I go missing for 30 years, and he greens me on a gurney? Only way it ends, David!"

– Woods after being rescued by David Mason

In the original Black Ops II storyline, Woods is murdered by Raul Menendez in 2026, just one year after being freed. But expanded content for Call of Duty®: Black Ops Cold War brought Woods back yet again – proving you can‘t count out an old soldier.

Evaluating Frank Woods’ Lasting Legacy

Very few video game characters have the longevity and appeal of Frank Woods. While some heroes fade away after headlining just 1-2 titles, Woods demonstrated the grit to maintain relevance in the Call of Duty franchise over a decade after debuting in 2010‘s top selling Black Ops.

By enduring as a grizzled 95 year old advisor in 2025, Woods connects players to nostalgia for the series‘ early days during the Cold War era.

Based on his continued prominence into futuristic settings, could we see Woods return in some form for the next 10 or even 20 years of real-world Call of Duty releases?

As one of the leading faces of the juggernaut first-person shooter series behind only Captain Price, don‘t be shocked if Woods returns to make an appearance in Call of Duty®: 2030 when he‘ll be ~105 with more war stories to tell.

Woods vs Other Long Lived Gaming Icons

Very few video game characters have enough substance to anchor major franchise storylines for over a decade like Frank Woods has.

Let‘s see how Woods longevity stacks up against other extended gaming icons by age:

CharacterFirst AppearanceCurrent Age
Lara Croft1996Early 40s
Frank Woods201095
Master Chief2001Late 40s
Solid Snake1987~75

As that comparison illustrates, Woods is in truly rarified air as a codgery but still kicking 95 year old special forces veteran – making him one of gaming‘s elder statesmen.

His outstanding CIA record and multiple Bronze Stars awards confirm Woods belongs in the conversation for most badass video game character over 50 years old!

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