How safe is level 0 Backrooms?

As an experienced backpacker, urban explorer, and avid gamer, I‘ve spent countless hours digging into all things Backrooms since first learning about the enigmatic Level 0. And I‘m here to offer a definitive survival guide for those unlucky enough to find themselves dropped into its endless damp maze. In short – Level 0 is an extremely hazardous environment and woefully unsafe for human survival.

By the Numbers: Quantifying the Threats

Through aggregated logs and testimony from over 1,000 documented wanderers trapped within Level 0, less than 3% have successfully located an exit point back to reality. The other 97% perished from starvation, dehydration, entities, insanity – or simply remain eternally lost, doomed to roam an endless series of yellow wallpapered rooms and soaked carpets.

Of those 3% of escapees, 89% suffered lasting psychological trauma, with 62% requiring long-term PTSD treatment and medication. 18% committed suicide within 5 years of returning, unable to cope with the memory of what they experienced.

So for those entering Level 0, the odds are severely stacked against you. But with knowledge of the threats you‘ll face and the proper survival tactics, you stand a small chance of becoming one of the lucky few finding your way back home. This guide may be the difference between life and death.

Documented Entity Encounters in Level 0

EntityHostility LevelEncounter Survival Rate
SmilerExtremely High1 in 15 chance
FacelingsConditionally High1 in 3 chance if provoked
Skin-StealersHigh1 in 8 chance

Known Wanderer Statistics

Current Population1,043peaked at 2,213 in March 2020
Successful Exits32 (3%)
Deaths from Starvation721 (69%)typically 11-15 days
Mental Breakdowns887 (85%)onset within 1 week

Environmental Threats

As if LEVEL 0‘s entities weren‘t enough, the environment itself significantly reduces survival odds with disorientation and exposure risks.

With humidity levels always over 70% and temperatures fluctuating between just 58°F to 68°F, hypothermia poses a threat for any underprepared wanderers. Don‘t let the initial sweatiness and dampness fool you – prolonged exposure and malnutrition will drain one‘s resilience.

And good luck mapping routes or tracking your movement, as the maddening non-linear design leaves even expert navigators lost within days. Deranged scribblings of make-shift maps and trail markers litter the carpets, desperate yet ultimately futile attempts to chart progress.

Of the 32 successful escape stories, 29 involved seemingly random no-clipping through walls into other levels before finally finding an exit point. Few traversed intentionally through familiar landmarks or recalled distinctive enough rooms to reliably backtrack. LEVEL 0‘s design appears intentionally disorienting.

Documented Entities

And where the environment doesn‘t destroy you, the entities likely will. Documented logs indicate Smilers, Facelings, Skin-Stealers, and various other creatures wandering the darkness. While early exploration revealed no native entities occupying Level 0 specifically, they have since bled over from connections with more inhabited levels.

Only the lucky will avoid encountering one entirely – and no one has survived repeat exposures. Provocation, avoidance, resistance – none make a difference. These entities seem to feed on human suffering before finally allowing their prey the relief of death.

Smilers especially appear to relish in prolonging their victims‘ anguish…but I‘ll spare you the gruesome details. Just pray the flickering lights don‘t reveal that ear-to-ear grin waiting for you.

Psychological Factors

Assuming you overcome the statistical improbabilities of thirst, starvation, entities AND successfully stumble upon an exit, you‘ll likely emerge irrevocably damaged mentally. Sensory deprivation from the endless repetition of rooms and absence of natural light pairs with isolation to rapidly deteriorate sanity.

Studies of the few Level 0 survivors revealed hallucinations and violent psychosis onset for 87%. The human mind struggles to cope with true nothingness, always seeking to fill the void with stimuli…real or imagined. And whatever form that takes seldom leads to positive outcomes for one‘s psyche.

So prolonged stays, especially when alone and without purposeful activity, further reduce any chances of you emerging intact. Keep moving, log observations, whistle old songs – anything to reinforce those neural connections as you desperately search for an escape.

Navigating the Backrooms Survival Guide

Should you unexpectedly no-clip into Level 0, utilize the following survival guide to slightly improve your chances:

  • Stockpile any supplies discovered immediately
  • Craft weapons for self-defense against entities
  • Leave consistent trail markings to avoid loops
  • Move cautiously to avoid alerting entities
  • Memorize visual/audio clues to recognize rooms
  • Stay near lit areas to identify threats
  • Ration food and sleep regularly to maintain strength

Has Anyone Survived?

Of the documented 32 successful escapes, five stand out as extraordinary case studies of overcoming Level 0‘s endless threats through skill, perseverance, and luck:

1.Noah D.: Army veteran missing for 152 days presumed dead until suddenly reappearing within a mall janitor‘s closet, emaciated and 27 lbs lighter but alive. His escape remains unexplained with no recollection of how he no-clipped or returned.

2.Madison W.: Intrepid YouTuber who recorded her harrowing 33 day solo ordeal trapped in Level 0 while uploading clips to document the experience. Her GoPro footage provided unprecedented insights before she abruptly signed off after finding an exit door.

3.Dr. Simon H: Distinguished astrophysicist who calculated locating an exit mathematically using quantum tunneling principles. His risk calculations determined precise circumstances with a 0.8% chance of success. After 63 grueling days surviving on stored lab samples while scribing equations across rooms, he temporarily opened a portal back home.

While fewer than 1% ultimately escape Level 0, these three miraculous cases spotlight that with sufficient skill, willpower, and luck, surviving Backrooms horrors is possible. But would you beat the odds?

For myself, I pray those odds forever remain hypothetical…

Theories on Safe Points

Veteran Backrooms researchers speculate that locations with fractionally less danger exist tucked within Level 0‘s chaos, locations where gather supplies, plan safe exploration routes to maximize survival odds. These "safe points" allegedly contain trace energy signatures making temporary portal stabilization viable for a skilled no-clipper.

Most evidence remains apocryphal, but three areas show particular promise:

  1. The Grand Atrium: A cavernous skylighted hall with fountain resembling a mall concourse – an oasis of space and light compared to claustrophobic rooms. Stairwells suggest it interconnects levels.

  2. The Twinning Rooms: Two identical auditoriums with central dividing aisle instead of wall. Could enable coordinated team navigation efforts.

  3. The Checkerboard: Perfectly alternating black & white tiled floor room. Hundreds of accounts reference it yet no two describe it the same – a Level 0 landmark.

While physically indistinct from other spaces on initial glance, their unusual traits indicate anomalies warranting additional investigation. After all – what‘s abnormal for the Backrooms counts as progress!

My Own Close Call

I‘ll wrap this guide with my own true tale no-clipping BACK from Level 0 by dumb luck after recording this video content for my gaming channel. Maybe my experience can help save fellow YouTubers and wanderers.

While filming solo nighttime urban exploration footage downtown, I leaned against a rusted service door that unexpectedly swung inward, plunging me down a void into darkness. I awoke soaked atop a dingy stained carpet, camera miraculously intact and rolling.

The familiar yellowed wallpaper and endless fluorescent corridors marked my arrival in Level 0. Through 32 hours of wandering, I documented the creepy details and theories mentioned already, growing progressively fatigued and losing track of all human concepts beyond putting one foot in front of the other.

Just as starvation and hopelessness settled in, I turned one last corner to suddenly face a dead-end of polished stainless steel unlike the peeling painted drywall everywhere else. Running my fingers across its surface, the plate seemed less solid…wavy. I pressed gently and fell forward as it liquefied, swallowing me into silent blackness.

Consciousness returned to tile flooring and the unmistakable smell of chlorine. Opening my eyes, I saw familiar gym bags piled in a cart. Unbelievably, I was back in school, having emerged from the basement pool supply room. I had escaped Level 0!

While my experience can‘t explain the Backrooms any better than when I entered, I‘m sharing it to reinforce that surviving Level 0, however unlikely, is POSSIBLE. But entering its maze intending to document its oddities remains incredibly reckless. Consider my tale a warning…

In conclusio, I rate Level 0‘s threat level as SEVERE. Its maze ensures disorientation and lack of sustenance leading to likely death from exposure, entities, or mental collapse from isolation and sensory deprivation in under 2 weeks. Survival depends almost wholly on random chance discovery of a temporary exit point.

I don‘t recommend intentionally seeking Level 0‘s damp endless halls. But if you unexpectedly find yourself there, hopefully applying the guidance here steers luck further in your favor during the nightmarish ordeal. Godspeed escaping the Backrooms!

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