Demystifying Tiefling Height: From Tiny Imps to Hulking Hellspawn

Greetings, fellow planar voyagers! Morden the Traveler here – bard, author, and trusted guide to the realms of both mortals and demons. If you‘ve plunged into some devilish tombs or communed with otherworldly beings, you may have crossed paths with the children of fire known as tieflings.

Now you likely know these infamously alluring humanoids can differ wildly in personality and powers based on their specific infernal lineage. But have you wondered: how much do tieflings vary in height and physical frame compared to us humans? After extensive personal research (and a few romantic trysts!), I‘m here to uncover the secrets behind the countless tiefling dimensions.

On Average: Eye Level with Humans

To kick things off simply: your typical tiefling stands at almost exactly equal height next to most humans you‘d pass in the streets.

According to anthropological studies published in the Planar Almanac, 5th Edition, tieflings range from 5‘6" – 6‘2" tall on average with healthy weight variation between 140-220 pounds. This makes them medium-sized creatures just like humans per the scholars of PHY-101 Abjuration Studies.

Of course, some lineages inherit more impish frames while others are molded with towering brawn or voluptuous curves. We‘ll explore those intriguing outliers shortly! But for now, rest assured whether you‘re playing the most common red-skinned tiefling with modest horns or casually strolling past one in the tavern, an average human will find themselves at eye level.

Tiefling Height Bell Curve

Tiefling height bell curve based on data in the Plane of Avernus Census, discretely collected during Asmodeus‘ Blood War campaigns. (Cited with permission from archdevil bureaucrats.)

Now let‘s delve into what truly separates tieflings from us humans anatomically as we trace their growth from tiny infants to mature adults!

From Nubby Horns to Bestial Transformations

All tieflings inherit physical traits hearkening back to fiends, demons and dark gods no matter how faint their bloodline. But even diabolical babies begin life wrapped in mostly human innocence.

Tielfing newborns lack any horns, tails, or otherworldly traits except perhaps subtly sharp canines peeking from their toothless smiles. But around age 6, one can spot two tiny nubs erupting from the forehead at the onset of adolescence. Then the changes accelerate!

By age 10, those knots have spiraled into wicked little horns. Meanwhile, spaded tails up to 5 feet long may sneakily sprout to aid balance while scrambling over rocky hills or demonic ruins.

Once tieflings hit 16 years old, their adult traits fast set in. Horns coil fully as if echoing the writhing hellish shadows of their ancestors. Like parental hands forever guiding them from the depths. Their eyes blaze with unearthly fire while figures elongate lithely to near-peak stature.

By 18, the transformation completes as tieflings turn legal guild recruits. While they lack standardized growth records, one previous study commissioned by Dispater tracked youth developing under his subterranean domain:

AgeAverage Male HeightAverage Female Height

We see modest sexual dimorphism with males averaging 2-3 inches taller in Dispater‘s realm. But females often sport more dramatic horns and alluring assets like humans. Fortunately by adulthood, all genders stand at heights granting confidence both sociopolitical and romantic!

Far Beyond Human Norms: Extreme Outliers

While those figures apply broadly, I‘ve heard baffling rumors of strange outliers dwelling across the lower planes:

Some describe meeting impish tieflings under 4 feet tall using their agility and sorcerous tricks to survive among larger bullies. Could condensed genetics or limited nutrients cause severely stunted development? Occult scholars fiercely debate!

Conversely, shocking accounts tell of towering tieflings over 7 feet tall blessed with the legacy of ancient titans, giants, and warlords. Their massive, dense frames can blockade entire dungeon corridors.

Rarest of all, my starfaring companions murmur of winged tieflings soaring gracefully on 20 foot wingspans. Perhaps symbolizing freer spirits unbound by the laws of humans and devils alike. Though only the highest echelons of demonic royalty manifest such traits today if legends ring true.

We may never fully document all the possibilities when one carries the potential of entire infernal planes in their veins! But these hoped-for miracles show why tieflings remain dangerous yet delightful company across the realms.

Now that you know the range of tiefling shapes available, let‘s review how to roleplay whichever wicked wonder you create…

Bringing Your Tiefling To Life: Height Edition

While every person‘s personality varies independently of stature, some archetypes do lean on physical frames. Here are my top tips for roleplaying a tiefling aligned to their height and horns:

Compact Tricksters

  • Mischievous Imps – Sub 5‘ figures may draw on their smaller size for deception and thievery. Slinker rogues, sly messengers, or circus acrobats. Use height to your advantage!
  • Mighty Mages – What they lack in strength, petite spellcasters make up for with explosive arcane power. Play up contrasts for dramatic flair!
  • Cocky Warriors – Daredevils overcompensating in battle to prove their worth. Fiercely touchy regarding height and quick to ignite!

Amazonian Warriors

  • Towering Titans – Over 7 feet tall, these hulks intimidate with their looming power. Use deep booming voices and graceful restrained actions to maximize impact.
  • Brawny Blacksmiths – Excellent leverage for hammering greatswords and hellish platemail. Though limited Dexterity may demand creative solutions during adventures…
  • Glamorous Queens – Majesty and allure only increase with height for regal tieflings blessed as living avatars of temptation. Yet do they yearn for domains larger than life to rule?

And for any height, don‘t forget specific movement signatures like…

  • Curving Sinuously – Tall curved horns imply a graceful gliding gait.
  • Strutting Proudly – Small backswept horns signal confidence and charisma in stride!
  • Prowling Cautiously – Forward-thrusting horns echo a wary, analytical pace.

Now make these examples your own as you breathe life into your visionary virtues or villainous vices! Let your horns guide the way…

So there you have it, friends! Tieflings may mystify us with their many permutations across body types and moral compasses. But their heritage binds all as an endlessly intriguing people.

Hopefully these forbidden insights help unveil their appeal whether you wish to court or combat them across the realms. Just beware lest their secrets corrupt you in turn. For darkness and desire oft walk hand in hand along destiny‘s road…

Thus concludes my monograph on stature‘s role among the planetouched. May you craft legendary fables featuring fiends of all fabulous forms!

A Planeswalker born to Sigil, Morden grew up equally entranced by superstition around tieflings and factual phenomena behind the scenes. He now traverses realms gathering exotic legends, artifacts… and paramours. His published guides: Hordes of Hell: A Tourist‘s Guide and Courtship Customs Across the Inner Planes were banned in seven provinces last year. But nobility and libraries alike furnish him stipends to continue his salacious studies!


Cordell, Bruce R. Planescape Campaign Setting (Rulebook). TSR, 1994.

Lyons, Steve et al. Player‘s Handbook Races – Tieflings: Player‘s Guide to Tieflings. Wizards of the Coast LLC. 2010.

Mearls, Mike et al. Player‘s Handbook. 5th ed. Wizards of the Coast LLC. 2014.

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