How Tall Is Kiefer Sutherland?

Kiefer Sutherland, the well-known actor, is 5 feet 9 inches (175 cm) tall. This information is based on your previous statement, as there are no search results provided to confirm or refute this height.

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Keifer Sutherland is 5′ 9″ tall.

Answered from Velyrhorde


Kiefer Sutherland is a Canadian actor known for his roles in movies like Stand By Me, The Lost Boys, Young Guns, and A Few Good Men, as well as the hit TV show 24. Sutherland has had a long and successful career in Hollywood, in part due to his commanding screen presence and impressive height. But exactly how tall is Kiefer Sutherland?

What is Kiefer Sutherland's Height?

Kiefer Sutherland is 5 feet 9 inches (175 cm) tall. This height is slightly above the average for an American male, which is around 5 feet 9 inches. However, in Hollywood, leading men tend to be on the taller side, so Sutherland's height is shorter than many other famous actors.

Despite not being extremely tall, Sutherland has a lean, slim build and stands with excellent posture. This allows him to appear taller on screen. His height is perfectly suited for playing tough, heroic characters like Jack Bauer on 24. He can seem imposing and intimidating, while still coming across as an everyday, relatable man.

How Does Kiefer Sutherland's Height Compare to Other Actors?

Here is how Kiefer Sutherland measures up against some other male actors:

  • Tom Cruise – 5 feet 7 inches
  • Mark Wahlberg – 5 feet 8 inches
  • Bradley Cooper – 6 feet 1 inch
  • Liam Neeson – 6 feet 4 inches
  • Dwayne Johnson – 6 feet 5 inches

So while Sutherland is taller than some leading men like Cruise and Wahlberg, he is certainly on the shorter side compared to men like Liam Neeson and Dwayne Johnson who are over 6 feet tall.

Many of Sutherland's action star contemporaries like Jason Statham (5'10”) and Bruce Willis (5'11”) are also taller than he is. But thanks to camera angles and his lean frame, Sutherland can appear just as imposing on screen.

Has Kiefer Sutherland's Height Affected His Career?

Kiefer Sutherland's less than towering height does not seem to have negatively impacted his acting career. He has played the lead role in many major films and television shows over the past 30+ years.

In the entertainment industry, shorter actors sometimes struggle to land leading man roles. But Sutherland has managed to command the screen and portray heroic, tough guy characters at just 5 feet 9 inches tall.

In fact, his height may have even helped him land one of his most iconic roles – Jack Bauer on 24. The creators said they wanted a hero who was more down to earth and average, unlike the 6 feet plus actors common in action films. So Sutherland's height was perfectly suited for the part.

While he may have lost out on some roles over the years due to his height, Sutherland has not let it slow him down. With his talent and screen presence, he has enjoyed an incredibly successful acting career at just under 5'10”.

Did Kiefer Sutherland Ever Wear Lifts or Platform Shoes?

There is no definitive evidence that Kiefer Sutherland has ever worn shoe lifts or platforms to make himself appear taller. Some actors under 5'10” resort to this trick, but Sutherland has not been caught doing it.

In movies and TV shows, he often wears big boots or shoes which give him another inch or so. Combined with camera angles and his slim build, this helps him look taller than his real height.

Sutherland seems to have embraced being an action star under 6 feet tall. Rather than resorting to shoe lifts, he relies on his acting chops, screen presence, and athleticism to make his characters believable. For example, in 24 he did many of his own stunts.

While super tall actors are sometimes awkward on screen, Sutherland's more average height allows him to move with agility and come across as a convincing action hero.

What Height Does Kiefer Sutherland List Himself as?

Most sources list Kiefer Sutherland's height as 5 feet 9 inches or 175 cm. This is likely his actual height without shoes.

However, some online profiles and acting resumes over the years have boosted his height up to 5'10” or 5'11”. It's common practice for male actors to pad their height by an inch or two.

So while his real height seems to be 5'9″, it would not be surprising for Sutherland to claim 5'10” or 5'11” on an official resume. By doing so, he moves himself out of the “below average” range for a leading man.

No matter what height he claims though, Sutherland has proven over his long career that you don't need to be 6 feet plus to play the hero and become a major movie star. With talent and confidence, actors of any reasonable height can find success in Hollywood.

Does Kiefer Sutherland Look Shorter Now That He Is Older?

At 56 years old as of 2022, Kiefer Sutherland is likely around half an inch shorter than he was in his youth. It's typical for people to lose a small fraction of an inch as they age.

However, Sutherland has maintained a very fit, athletic build which helps minimize height loss. He also stands and sits with excellent posture which makes him appear as tall as possible.

Some fans claim Sutherland looks shorter now compared to his early action star days in films like The Lost Boys and Young Guns. But in reality, he is probably only a minuscule fraction shorter.

Most of the apparent height difference can be attributed to variations in footwear, camera angles, and his slimmer build in youth versus a slightly stockier frame now. All in all, he looks remarkable fit and youthful for his age.

At nearly 60 years old, Kiefer Sutherland's height remains nearly identical to his 5'9″ peak. Proper fitness, diet, and posture can help minimize natural height loss over the decades.

In Summary:

  • Kiefer Sutherland's height is 5 feet 9 inches or 175 cm tall
  • He is slightly taller than the average American male but shorter than most Hollywood action stars
  • Sutherland's slim build and excellent posture enable him to appear imposing on screen despite his below average height
  • His height does not seem to have hindered his long, successful acting career playing the hero in films and TV shows
  • He likely does not wear lifts but wears boots or chunky shoes to add another inch in some roles
  • Though his real height is about 5'9″, Sutherland may list himself as 5'10” or 5'11” on acting resumes
  • He remains nearly as tall today at age 56 as he was in his youth due to staying fit and active

So in summary, Kiefer Sutherland has achieved huge success as an action star and leading man despite being under 6 feet tall. His height is approximately 5 feet 9 inches, but his confidence, posture, and talent allow him to stand tall alongside the tallest actors.

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