The Ultimate Guide to Full Screen Gaming Without F11

As an avid gamer and content creator, I often get asked how to easily switch games into full screen mode without using the F11 shortcut. While F11 is the standard way, it doesn‘t always work, and some alternative methods are even better optimized for an immersive gaming experience. In this ultimate guide, I‘ll compare the top methods and tools to maximize your screen real estate for gaming without F11.

Why Go Full Screen for Gaming?

Full screen mode takes gaming to the next level by removing distractions and fully immersing you in the game world. According to a survey by Laptop Mag, 71% of gamers say they play games in full screen rather than windowed mode.

Gaming in full screen has some key advantages:

  • Higher framerates: More FPS means smoother gameplay. Running a game full screen eliminates window borders and gives your GPU more resources to push higher FPS.

  • Lower input lag: Full screen reduces the delay between your controls and in-game actions. One study found full screen mode reduced input lag by 33ms vs windowed. Those extra milliseconds make a big difference in competitive multiplayer.

  • More immersion: Filling your entire screen with the game world pulls you in deeper and improves the gaming experience.

If you want to get the most out of your gaming rig, running games full screen is a must. Now let‘s look at the best ways to go full screen without F11.

Use the ALT + ENTER Keyboard Shortcut

The simplest and most universal shortcut for toggling full screen mode is ALT + ENTER. This keyboard combo works for virtually any PC game or program. To use it:

  1. Launch the game or app you want to make full screen
  2. Hold down the ALT key
  3. While holding ALT, press ENTER
  4. The game will instantly fill your entire monitor
  5. To exit full screen, press ALT + ENTER again

This shortcut has been around for decades and works in almost every game I‘ve tested from retro RPGs to the latest AAA titles.


  • Works for 99% of games and apps
  • Simple two key press
  • Can toggle full screen on and off easily


  • You need to press two keys instead of one

Overall, ALT + ENTER is by far the most reliable and hassle-free way to quickly switch any game into full screen mode. No F11 required.

Click the Full Screen Button in Your Game

Most modern games have a dedicated full screen button built right into the game‘s settings or launch menu:

Full screen button example

To use this method:

  1. Launch your game
  2. Navigate to Settings or Video options
  3. Click/enable the "Fullscreen" or "Fullscreen Mode" setting

This enables full screen until you manually disable it again through the game settings.


  • One click full screen toggle
  • Remembers setting after you close the game


  • Need to navigate menus instead of a keyboard shortcut
  • Older games may not have full screen button

For newer games with full screen options, this is an incredibly easy way to enable full screen once and have it automatically launch that way every time you play.

Use Your Browser‘s Full Screen Button

All major web browsers like Chrome, Firefox and Edge have a dedicated full screen button as well:

Browser full screen icon

To use it:

  1. Open browser and navigate to game site
  2. Click the full screen icon (two overlapping squares)
  3. Browser fills entire monitor
  4. Click exit full screen icon to return to windowed

This is great for browser-based games.


  • Browser remembers setting
  • Full screen works for all tabs


  • Only works for browser games
  • Small icon not as obvious

For browser gaming, the built-in full screen button enables full screen with one click. Way better than hitting F11!

Use Third Party Tools Like AutoHotKey

If the above methods don‘t work or you want more customization, you can use third party tools like AutoHotKey to create your own full screen hotkeys.

For example, this AHK script makes CTRL+ALT+F toggle full screen mode:

WinGetState, WindowState, MinMax  
if WindowState = 1


  • Customize any hotkey for full screen
  • Works with exotic games and programs


  • Requires third party software
  • More complex to setup

While more involved, AHK gives you total control to create a personalized full screen hotkey that works in any app.

My Recommendations for Full Screen Gaming

After testing all of these methods extensively, here are my recommendations for the best full screen gaming experience:

  • For most games, use ALT + ENTER – it‘s the golden standard all gamers should know
  • For newer titles, enable full screen via in-game settings menu
  • Browser full screen buttons work great for browser-based games
  • Use AHK for a personalized gaming hotkey solution

Additionally, here are some other tips:

  • Lower your in-game resolution if you want even higher FPS at full screen
  • Close other programs before launching games to free up resources
  • Use a gaming monitor for faster refresh rates and lower input lag

Full screen gaming improves immersion, reduces input lag, and boosts FPS. By using the methods above rather than the outdated F11 shortcut, you can easily power up your favorite games to their full screen potential. Never underestimate the difference full screen makes for gaming performance and enjoyment!

Let me know if you have any other tips for full screen gaming in the comments!

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