How to Download Minecraft if You Already Bought It on a Different Computer

As a passionate gamer and content creator, one of the most common questions I get is: "How do I download Minecraft on a new computer if I‘ve already bought it?"

The good news is: You do not need to buy Minecraft again if you already own it! As long as you have access to the original Mojang account that you used to purchase the game, you can download and install Minecraft on as many devices as you want.

Getting Started: Log Into Your Current Mojang Account

The first step is making sure you can access the original Mojang account associated with your Minecraft purchase. For most players, this will be an email address and password.

If you forgot your login info, you can use Mojang‘s account recovery options. Provide the requested info (like your full name or transaction ID) to validate account ownership.

If you only remember your old Minecraft username, you may have a legacy Minecraft account. You can migrate legacy accounts for easy access.

Once logged in, you‘ll have full access to redownload Minecraft on any new device!

Get the Updated Launcher for Fast Installation

Next, head to and download the latest version of the Minecraft launcher for your computer‘s operating system:

  • Windows: Exe installer file
  • macOS: DMG file
  • Linux: Tarball file
Launcher VersionRelease Date
2.4.20419Jan 24, 2023

The launcher acts as the hub for installing and updating Minecraft on your devices. So you‘ll always want to grab the newest releases!

Run the Installer and Sign In to Your Account

Once downloaded, run the Minecraft launcher installer and walk through the steps:

  1. Accept the user agreement
  2. Select a game directory location
  3. If prompted, sign in using your verified Mojang account credentials

The installer identifies your account ownership and allows a complete Minecraft download and installation!

Find Your Saved Worlds (If Transferring)

If you want to transfer any existing Minecraft worlds or player data from an older device, take the extra step to locate those files and copy them over manually after installing the game.

  • World Saves: Found in the /saves folder within the main .minecraft folder
  • Config Files: Holdings settings, controls, resource packs
  • Screenshots: Default location at .minecraft/screenshots

I always recommend doing a full backup of the .minecraft folder for easy access later.

Launch Minecraft and Enjoy!

With the game installed and your worlds transferred over, there‘s nothing left but to play!

Log into your Mojang account through the Minecraft launcher and select "Play". Welcome back!

I hope this guide clears up how easy it is to download Minecraft after an initial purchase. As long as you own a legitimate Mojang account, you can install Minecraft on multiple computers without needing to rebuy the game. Just be sure you‘re logging in with the same account details across devices for full access.

Let me know if you have any other questions! Happy crafting!

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