Unlocking 1500 Blood Shards in Diablo 3 – Reaching Greater Rift 110 Solo

As a passionate Diablo 3 gamer and content creator, I wanted to provide some comprehensive tips to unlock the maximum blood shard capacity. Getting to Greater Rift 110 solo is the key because it expands your blood shard cap from 500 to 1500. With the huge influx of new and returning players to Diablo 3 in Season 28, I thought it would be helpful to outline efficient methods for farming blood shards and using them to upgrade your end game gear.

Why Blood Shards Matter for Gear Progression

Before we dive into how to get more blood shards, let‘s discuss why they‘re so important in the first place. Blood shards allow you to "gamble" weapons, armor, accessories, and off-hands from Kadala with the aim of getting legendary and set items crucial to empowering your build.

While drops from normal rifts and greater rifts will still provide the majority of your gear, Kadala gambling is a nice supplement thanks to the sheer volume of rolls you can do. Some key gear slots like rings and amulets have deep pools, making it unlikely you will get the exact item you need without some targeted gambling.

Now let‘s take a look at how the blood shard economy flows:

Blood Shard Source Average per Hour
T13 Rifts 1200
T13 Bounties 1500
GR75 Speed Runs 1800

*Data sourced from Maxroll and Reddit community testing

As you can see, higher tier content like GR75 can yield the most blood shards in an hour but normal rifts are still decent. Bounties have an edge thanks to bonus shards from Horadric caches.

Pushing to Solo Greater Rift 110

Let‘s outline the process to hitting Greater Rift 110 solo:

1. Choose a Class and Haedrig‘s Gift Set

Choose a class you enjoy and redeem the free Haedrig‘s gift seasonal set from your mailbox. This provides a full 6-piece class set to kickstart your build. Legendary gems, weapons, and supporting armor slots will round it out.

2. Farm Paragon Levels & Caldesann‘s Despair Augments

Use your starter set to quickly farm Nephalem Rifts, bounties, and lower tier Greater Rifts to gain XP to raise your Paragon level. This grants points to spend on key stats for damage and toughness.

As you get Legendary Gem ranks, use the Caldesann‘s Despair recipe in Kanai‘s Cube to infuse gems into gear. This vital augment boost scales with gem rank.

3. Incrementally Upgrade Items Through Gambling

Spend your early blood shards via Kadala on armor pieces first. Then weapons and jewelry to fill out your build. With a gear focus, prioritize the following stats across items:

  • Critical Hit Chance
  • Critical Hit Damage
  • Cooldown Reduction
  • Resource Cost Reduction

Use Kanai‘s Cube to convert set pieces for other slots or try rerolling spares at the Mystic.

4. Push with Main DPS Stats

Once your full build is online, focus on stacking damage and toughness to incrementally beat personal best Greater Rifts:

  • Level primary damage gems to rank 100+
  • Augment ancient/primal gear with high gems
  • Shoot for 1200+ Paragon level

5. Adjust Items and Skills to Push Higher

As you hit your ceiling with one variation, research top leaderboard builds that maximize certain damage interactions and group buffs.

Evaluate different skill and legendary gem combinations that better enable your role, whether that is a Necromancer focusing on minion builds or Barbarian concentrating on Rend bleeds.

Getting over challenging rift guardians relies heavily on execution, gear optimization, and fishing for the right tilesets. So be prepared to run GRs over and over to take advantage of beneficial random modifiers and mob types. Persevere and learn from each attempt!

Advanced Blood Shard Farming Strategies

Now you that you understand the basics, let‘s dive deeper into how to accumulate blood shards quickly.

The relationship between clear speed and monster density determines your overall blood shard efficiency. You need to balance these factors based on the content you run:

DensityClear Speed
GR Speed RunsHighLow

As an example, T13 rifts have medium density and clear times, making them a consistent choice to target 1600+ blood shards per hour.

Bounties are fast but lower density, so the shard rate evens out to around 1500/hour. Greater Rift speeds average a stellar 1800+/hour thanks to huge packs and elite density but have slower pace due to higher HP values.

Within thesefarming methods, we can employ specialized techniques like utilizing Sage‘s Journey set bonus for extra Death‘s Breaths in bounties or Nemesis Bracers to spawn more elites in regular rifts.

Let‘s explore a sample Sage speed build for T13 bounty runs:

Head Sage‘s Journey Mask
Shoulders Sage‘s Journey Spaulders
Feet Sage‘s Journey Boots
Hands Sage‘s Journey Gloves
Bracers Nemesis Bracers

With the right balance of mobility, damage, and toughness, this build can breeze through bounties and double up on material farming.

Now let‘s explore how to best spend those shards once you‘ve built up a sizable stockpile.

Optimal Kadala Shard Gambling & Target Farming

While Kadala can seem stingy, there is a method to her madness. Historical data aggregated by sites like DiabloFans peg her legendary droprate around 10% over thousands of attempts. The exact probability likely varies based on current patch tuning and caps.

To get a 50/50 shot at a specific armor or off-hand, expect to burn through at least 2000 shards. Weapons and jewelry have deeper pools, so budget 5000+ for a coinflip chance.

Let‘s see odds for popular gear targets:

Target Item Kadala Cost Odds at 500 Shards Odds at 5000 Shards
Marauder Chest25 9.6% 87%
Etched Sigil50 5.9% 76%
Squirt‘s Necklace 50 3.9% 67%
Dawn Hand Crossbow75 2.8% 61%
The Grand Vizier75 0.37% 29%

With the above chances known, we can better manage expectations and budget our blood shard outlet. Rather than dumping every last one into a low odds weapon or ring, it is often better to cross your fingers with armor sets first.

Through a balanced effort across farming sources, key progression goals, and targeted gambling, hitting your solo Greater Rift 110 milestone should be feasible on most classes! Let me know if you have any other questions in the comments and be sure to check back for more Diablo 3 guides here soon!

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