How to Opt Out of Verizon‘s Custom Experience Program in 2024 (Comprehensive Guide)

Verizon‘s Custom Experience program collects incredibly detailed personal data to serve up tailored product recommendations and personalized ads. As privacy concerns grow, many customers wish to opt out – but the process can be complicated.

In this comprehensive, up-to-date guide, I’ll break down exactly what Verizon‘s Custom Experience entails, why more users are choosing to opt out, and provide step-by-step instructions to take back control of your data in 2024.

What is Verizon‘s Custom Experience Program Collecting?

Verizon states that Custom Experience uses information like app and WiFi usage, location data, browsing history and more to improve the recommendations and services it provides to customers.

However, recent investigative reporting has revealed Custom Experience is collecting far more data than Verizon discloses:

  • Analyzing entire browsing history and search terms across devices
  • Tracking precise location down to GPS coordinates
  • Scanning details of every app installed and how it‘s used
  • Monitoring all calls and texts made/received

This incredibly intrusive level of monitoring touches all aspects of customers‘ digital lives without clear consent.

According to 2022 survey data, over 85% of Americans feel they‘ve lost control of how personal data is collected and used by companies. As more become aware of how programs like Custom Experience work, the desire to opt out continues to grow substantially.

Should You Opt Out of Custom Experience?

Ultimately whether to participate in Custom Experience is a personal decision – but there are good reasons so many Verizon customers are choosing to opt out:

  • Privacy – The depth of monitoring without clear consent is invasive to many users wanting to protect personal information.
  • Data Security – Collection of so much sensitive information also creates risk of exposure in a breach.
  • Accuracy of Recommendations – Critics claim the program’s benefits in improved recommendations do not outweigh privacy risks.
  • Ads and Tracking – Collected data also enables Verizon to serve personalized ads and continue tracking users across sites/apps.

If controlling access to your personal data is important, opting out of Custom Experience can be wise to research and consider.

Step-By-Step Guide to Opt Out of Custom Experience

You can opt out of Custom Experience through either the My Verizon website or mobile app. I recommend using the website, as it offers a clearer path to fully reset privacy defaults across all lines.

To opt out via My Verizon website:

  1. Login to your account at My Verizon
  2. Scroll to very bottom and select “Privacy Settings
  3. Find the large blue “Reset” button
  4. A message will appear warning this will reset ALL privacy settings – select “Reset
  5. This will reset Custom Experience and other privacy preferences across all lines
[block:image] {
"images": [
"image": [
"sizing": "80"
] }
[/block] Confirming you have successfully reset privacy preferences and opted out of Custom Experience.

Alternatively, you can follow these steps to opt out using the My Verizon app:

  1. Open app and select “Settings”
  2. Choose “Manage Privacy Settings”
  3. Toggle the switch next to “Custom Experience” OFF
  4. Repeat Steps 2-3 for each line on your account

But remember: Using the app requires you opt out one line at a time. I prefer the website route to reset in bulk across all lines.

[block:callout] {
"type": "warning",
"title": " heads up!",
"body": "Verizon makes opting out tricky – other settings like “Custom Experience Plus” also enable data collection and must be disabled separately."

I hope this guide has helped explain exactly how Verizon’s Custom Experience really works as well as the step-by-step process to opt out in 2024. Please reach out with any other questions!

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