The Ultimate Solo Player‘s Guide to Dominating Destiny 2

As a mainly solo Destiny 2 player boasting over 500 hours plowing through strikes, seasonal content, and patrols by my lonesome, I‘m here to provide the ultimate guide to maximizing your solo experience. WhileDestiny 2‘s flagship raids and trials require a fireteam, a good 40-50% of PvE activities accommodate lone wolf playstyles. Read on for activities tailored to solo players, weapons and builds that shine when you have no backup, and strategies to overcome the challenges of going it alone.

A Smörgåsbord of Solo Content

Here are the major solo friendly activities and their notable rewards available in Destiny 2 as of Lightfall:

  • Story Campaigns (5) – Powerful gear, subclass unlocks, narrative enjoyment
  • Strikes (30+) – Upgrade materials, seasonal challenges, strike specific loot
  • Patrols & Public Events – Destination materials, XP++
  • Lost Sectors (50+) – Exotic armor farming
  • Seasonal Activities (4) – Umbral energy, deepsight/red box weapons
  • Dungeons (5) – Exotics, ascendant shards, solo-specific emblems
  • Older Raids (4) – Raid gear, enhancement prisms/cores

That tallies up to around 100+ activities offering powerful drops all the way up to the pinnacle cap that you can complete at your own pace, without needing to LFG.

CategorySoloable# of ActivitiesNotable Rewards
CampaignsYes5Powerfuls, Subclasses
StrikesYes30+Materials, Loot
Lost SectorsYes50+Exotics
RaidsSome4Raid Gear

And seasonal content like Sever keeps the solo train rolling with matchmade activities, allowing lone players to still experience the evolving world of Destiny 2.

Loadouts to Dominate Solo Play

When you don‘t have a well-lock and invis hunter watching your back, smart loadout choices become critical. Here are my top recommendations:


Trinity Ghoul – Fires devastating lightning arrow chains to evaporate adds

  • Catalyst boosts crow control and orb generation

Riskrunner – Constant arc damage resistance and chaining when perk active

  • Essential tool for any arc burn playlist activities

Eriana‘s Vow – High burst damage and anti-barrier rounds

  • Crispy voops make short work of champions

Any Demolitionist Primary – Grenade energy on every kill

  • Accelerate ability regeneration to enhance survival


Bottom Nightstalker – Hearty sustain and invisibility

  • Key perks: Vanishing Step, Stylish Executioner

Middle Sentinel – Offensive and defensive flexibility

  • Bulwark shield buffs damage, Ward refills health

Bottom Dawnblade – Air superiority and healing

  • Phoenix Dive resolves so many tricky situations

Prioritize stats like recov/resilience on your armor, and the rest fills in naturally from mods.

Weapon/ArmorBenefitsKey Perks/Stats
Trinity GhoulMassive Add ClearLightning Rod
RiskrunnerConstant Damage ResistanceArc Conductor
Eriana‘s VowAnti-Barrier/Burst DamageFirst Glance (catalyst)
Bottom NightstalkerInvisibility/SustainVanishing Step

Solo Play Strategies and Tips

You may boast the perfect loadout, but success comes down to smart play. Here are key tactics I‘ve learned across hundreds of hours in solo play:

  • Constantly break line of sight using cover to control engagements
  • Manage enemy aggro ranges, don‘t allow yourself to be surrounded
  • Use vertical space to create separation and catch breathers
  • Save your super for emergencies or high value targets like champions
  • Remain mobile, don‘t get bogged down in prolonged fights
  • Match elements to shields and bring champion mods always

For example in Legend lost sectors, I run an invis nightstalker with anti-barrier/unstoppable mods, Riskrunner, and a rocket launcher. This gives me flexibility to de-aggro with invisibility, lean on Riskrunner‘s resistance for dangerous arc rooms, burst down champions and use rockets or grenades for burst damage against the boss. Have a plan and reason for each piece of your loadout.


While going solo forgoes Destiny 2‘s fantastic co-op experiences like raids, there is a robust suite of activities for lone wolf players with meaningful rewards to earn. By combining smart subclass and weapon choices with advanced combat tactics, you can experience much of what Destiny 2‘s worlds have to offer at your own pace. See you starside, guardians. Now get out there and cause some mayhem, but solo mayhem.

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