How to Play PGA 2K23 Cross Platform: The Ultimate Guide

Cross platform play allows PGA 2K23 players on PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, and PC to compete against one another online through private matches. Here‘s everything you need to know about setting up and taking advantage of this exciting feature!

Step-by-Step Guide to Enabling Cross Platform Play

Follow these visual guides to get crossplay up and running:

Enable Crossplay option on PlayStation Settings

PlayStation players must enable crossplay in System Settings first

Creating a private match room with code

Host generates private match room code to share with friends

Enabling cross platform play opens up PGA 2K23 to a wider community. Based on official 2K stats, over 30% of online matches already utilize crossplay capabilities. Players praise how seamless competing across platforms feels.

Cross Generation Support Allows PS4 vs PS5 and Xbox One vs Series X

PGA 2K23 also offers cross generation play between PlayStation and Xbox consoles. This means you can play against friends even if they haven‘t upgraded to next-gen hardware yet:

  • PlayStation 4 vs PlayStation 5
  • Xbox One vs Xbox Series X/S

Cross generation matchmaking helps ease the transition process. And your MyPLAYER career progression will carry over across console generations!

Comparing Cross Platform Features by Platform

Enables CrossplayYesYesYes
Cross GenerationPS4/PS5Xbox One/Series X/SNo
Transfer ProgressionYesYesNo
Voice ChatYesYesVaries

PC and modern consoles offer similar crossplay capabilities. Minor differences come down to external voice chat support.

Minimum System Requirements for Smooth Cross Platform Play

To avoid performance issues during crossplay matches, make sure your system meets these minimum specs per platform:


  • PlayStation 4
  • 50GB storage space
  • PlayStation Plus subscription


  • Xbox One
  • 50GB storage
  • Xbox Live Gold subscription


  • Windows 10 64-bit
  • Intel i5-4430 / AMD FX-8370
  • 8GB RAM
  • 50GB storage
  • Nvidia GTX 770 / Radeon R9 270

Meeting these requirements ensures a smooth competitive experience. Dropping below margins may cause lag and connectivity problems.

Troubleshooting Tips for Crossplay Issues

If you run into problems getting cross platform play functioning properly, try these troubleshooting tips:

  • Double check crossplay is enabled in settings
  • Reboot game or console
  • Verify internet connection speed and stability
  • Force close background apps hogging bandwidth
  • Forward appropriate PGA 2K23 ports
  • Check platform server status pages for outages

Following these steps isolates culprits hampering connectivity. 2K‘s own crossplay guides prove helpful for diagnosing issues as well.

As both an avid PGA 2K23 fan and content creator myself, I‘m thrilled by how well cross platform play turned out. Multiplayer now feels dynamic and expansive, fueling rivalries between Xbox and PlayStation loyalists. Even PC players impress by shooting insanely low scores!

I anticipate crossplay dramatically reshaping PGA 2K‘s online competitive scene. Our community always hungered for expanded matchmaking freedom. Hats off to 2K for delivering this long-requested feature. It takes the franchise into a new golden era!

Let me know if you have any other cross platform questions. I‘ll be creating more PGA 2K23 multiplayer content over the coming months.

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