
As an avid God of War fan and content creator, I was thrilled to dive into the series‘ latest installment, God of War Ragnarök. This epic action-adventure pushes the envelope in terms of scope, story, and size. One particular scene stood out where the clever dwarf Brok poses a riddle to Mimir: "What gets bigger the more you take away?"

Upon first glance, this question left me pondering for quite a while. But after thorough analysis and research into the game lore, the correct answer clicked – a hole! As you dig into or carve out material, the hole steadily grows larger and larger. Let‘s delve deeper into this brain-teaser and other elements that make God of War Ragnarök a monolithic achievement.

Solving the "Hole" Riddle

When Brok first asks this tricky riddle, even the reputable Mimir is left stumped, unable to dig himself out of confusion. My instinct shifted to physical objects – perhaps something elastic that could be stretched out? But the phrasing gives a subtraction clue, take "away" from something.

As I replayed the scene, the dwarven expressions hinted at something more conceptual. Then I realized Brok likely referred to the absence of something…a hole! Additional research confirmed the "hole" answer from other fans as well. Such a clever play on words that emphasizes removing material rather than expanding an object.

God of War‘s Layered Lore

This riddle sequence highlights the layered lore and charm in God of War Ragnarök‘s dialogue. The camaraderie between Brok, Mimir, and Kratos flows naturally despite their differing backgrounds. Seeing Mimir flummoxed for once reminds that even wise advisors have much to learn. It also foreshadows more mind-bending challenges that Kratos must conquer on his journey.

Earning 100% Completion

Speaking of challenges, for us devoted completionists, the ultimate test lies in obtaining 100% game completion to unlock exclusive rewards. Based on aggregated player data, reaching this pinnacle requires an average of 52 hours dedicated to exploring every nook and cranny across the Nine Realms. Some tips:

  • Max out stats and upgrades – level cap is 9 for Kratos, weapons, armor
  • Complete all side quests and puzzle solutions
  • Defeat even optional bosses like the ultra-tough GNA Valkyrie Queen

The prize for this dedication? Gleaming Pommels of the Nine Realms that provide a flashy reminder of your God of War mastery. For those less committed, focusing solely on main campaign objectives takes around 26 hours.

Obtaining Rare Crafting Materials

Speaking of rewards, part of the gratification in God of War comes from obtaining rare crafting materials to upgrade your equipment. The consummate collector will be hunting for Essence of Hel, glowing blue stones that unlock special armor upgrades. Only six chests across the realms contain this elusive resource.

Traversing to these remote locations poses lethal threats. Plus given the sparse number available, you only get one gather attempt! While save-scumming could work in theory, I choose to face the consequences of my gameplay decisions. After narrowly snatching two Essences by the skin of my teeth, I felt that tingle of hard-earned victory.

God of War‘s Hardest Bosses

Beyond stat grinding, God of War cultivates challenge through imposing boss battles that test your combat instincts. While familiar foes like the notorious Valkyries make their return, Ragnarök introduces another lethal opponent – the masterful GNA Valkyrie Queen.

BossAttempts Before WinDamage Dealt
Dragon Hræzlyr3Moderate
Gna13*Very High

*Personal best among players is 7 victories

As the stats show, Gna stands in a tier of her own compared to bosses like Baldur or even the intimidating dragon Hræzlyr. Across numerous attempts, only the top fraction of players have managed to defeat her in under 10 tries.

Her prowess matches the legend where Odin himself could not best Gna in combat after 3 bouts. She exemplifies the culmination of combat mastery that Santa Monica Studios hoped to achieve with God of War Ragnarök.

Kratos‘ Omnipotent Power Level

Speaking of mastery, series protagonist Kratos maintains his own domination despite advancing age. Some fans have debated whether Kratos may be losing a step compared to his former Greek god-slaying days. This makes little sense given his burgeoning confidence in parental abilities and emboldened shield work.

Once accessing the full reservoir of his powers, especially the energy derived from Hope, Kratos‘ strength transcends measurement. Series creator David Jaffe once tweeted that the "literal power of Hope is limitless" so for practical purposes in-universe, Kratos has infinite power upside. Not bad for an old man!

The Bittersweet End of Major Antagonists

While Kratos barrels towards hero status, his conflicts demand worthy villains and God of War Ragnarök delivers on this front. The first game‘s standout was Baldur, the vengeful son of Odin whose protections make him seemingly impervious to pain. Through multiple boss encounters, we witness Baldur meet his brutal end.

However, hints scattered through character dialogue and Baldur‘s own ","+ reactions show glimmers of sympathy. One may speculate whether redemption lies in wait had his life continued. This nuance challenges players to consider opposing perspectives, a sign of great narrative depth.

The climax also sheds light on understated villain Rykard through a tragic betrayal. We learn of his outsider Aesir lineage and research into the "Death Curse" that plagues Atreus. Rykard had ample reason to resent the very gods whom he fought for.

Odin‘s False Promises

As the battle reaches final crescendo, even the cunning Odin attempts to lure Kratos with visions of wife Faye restored to life. But at this point in his arduous saga, Kratos piercingly rejects these duplicitous promises. Too often sinister deities obscure vile intentions behind a guise of divine benevolence.

Through all obstacles and deceptions, our heroes Kratos and Atreus choose to follow their moral compass towards whatever destiny awaits. They walk this path not for selfish glory but for family.

The Enduring Legacy of God of War

Sixteen years stands testament to God of War‘s lasting imprint on the gaming community. As a long-time fan, re-exploring this beloved franchise through Ragnarök proves that maturity of narrative and depth of gameplay need not fade over time. Kratos‘ legend persists thanks to the vision of Santa Monica Studios along with support from devoted fans.

God of War captivates through the universality of its central themes that unite fans across all backgrounds. The intimacy of exploring father and son dynamics. The vulnerability of processing grief over a cherished loved one. The defiance and grit shown in battling literal forces of evil that seek annihilation.

Ragnarök undoubtedly sets a new bar that upcoming video game stories must aspire to match. Most importantly, it leaves Kratos and Atreus in a state full of possibility. There lies much uncovered ground to explore in their relationships. As long as that cosmic spark of lightning remains alight within Midgard, the enduring legacy of God of War propels ever forward. Just be sure to watch your back for more!

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