How to Run Skyrim at 120 FPS – The Smooth Adventurer‘s Guide

Hey friend, is poor frame pacing ruining your dragon slaying adventures? Fear not – with a few special tweaks, we can get Skyrim running absurdly smooth at 120 frames per second or more!

As a hardcore Skyrim fanatic, I was frustrated by the janky 60 FPS cap. But after extensive testing and modding, I‘ve found the secret sauce to get those frames pumping. Follow my guide below to learn how you can transform Skyrim into a buttery-smooth experience.

Step 1: Choose Your Weapons (PC/Hardware)

The key to hitting 120 FPS is having a powerful graphics card and processor. Here‘s what hardware I‘d recommend based on your budget:

Budget PickNvidia RTX 3060 Ti + Intel i5-12600K
High-EndRTX 3080 + Ryzen 7 5800X3D
EnthusiastTierRTX 3090 Ti + Core i9-13900K

You‘ll also need a monitor with high refresh rate – at least 120Hz and up to 240Hz. Aim for 1440p or 4K resolution if your GPU can handle it.

Step 2: Tweak In-Game Display Settings

Once you‘re locked and loaded hardware-wise, head into Skyrim‘s display settings menu. Here‘s what to change:

  • Set Resolution to match native monitor rez
  • Disable Vsync
  • Disable Frame Rate Limiter
  • Reduce Shadow Quality if needed

Disabling Vsync is absolutely vital to uncapping FPS. I‘d also recommend installing the Skyrim Script Extender mod with the Display Tweaks plugin to stabilize high refresh rates.

Step 3: Benchmark and Adjust Using Mods

Time to test your frame rates! Use the built-in Display Tweaks benchmark to check performance. If you see physics glitches over 100 FPS, install the Havok Fix. My top mods for 120 FPS:

  • Display Tweaks
  • Havok Fix
  • BethINI

Use BethINI to auto-tweak .ini files after checking performance. Slowdowns in cities? Lower NPC count. Overall FPS too low? Drop to High graphics preset.

Step 4: Revel in The Smoothness!

Skyrim 120 FPS gameplay

With the right setup, 120 FPS in Skyrim delivers an unparalleled level of fluidity. Here‘s a video showing how buttery smooth gameplay is at the highest frame rates!

Trust me, once you experience Skyrim with all the cinematic chops of high FPS + graphics mods, you‘ll never go back. Let me know if you have any other questions getting your game tuned for speed. May your frame rates be high and your temperatures low!

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