Hey friend, here are 5 big benefits intelligent orchestration brings for securing your DevOps pipelines

Transitioning to DevOps can feel like a high-wire act. How do you balance speed with security when you‘re deploying code changes constantly? Intelligent orchestration is the safety net that lets developers move fast without increased risk.

I‘ve seen firsthand how leading companies use intelligent orchestration to build security into their CI/CD pipelines. Here are 5 compelling reasons you should consider it too.

1. It spots bugs before they spread

Manual code reviews are time-consuming and error-prone. Humans just can‘t catch every vulnerability. Intelligent orchestration to the rescue! It automatically scans each code change for security flaws as part of your pipeline.

For example, Veracode’s orchestration can check for SQL injection or cross-site scripting in seconds. This immediate feedback allows fixing defects before they ever reach production. No more scrambling after the fact to hunt down vulnerabilities spread across environments.

According to Veracode‘s own data, orchestration helps find 4x more flaws and cuts the average time to remediate critical issues from 200 days down to just 1 day. Now that’s a lifeline!

2. It runs your security gauntlet automatically

Doing security testing manually is like running through an obstacle course every time you need to deploy code. It’s exhausting and really drags you down.

Intelligent orchestration is like having an automated ally complete the course for you. Just set up security scans and policies once, and orchestration will execute them automatically at each pipeline stage.

For instance, you can scan infrastructure as code templates for misconfigurations, run static analysis on code libraries, perform dynamic scans on your build artifacts, and pen test your staging environment. This consistent security gauntlet at each deployment sprint helps you leapfrog over risks.

Analysts estimate this automation frees up at least 25% of security professionals’ time that can be reallocated to higher value tasks. Pretty slick, right?

3. It helps you stick the landing on compliance

Regulations like GDPR and HIPAA are serious business. Fines for non-compliance can cost millions. But constantly checking for violations manually can feel like a hopeless game of whack-a-mole.

Intelligent orchestration gives you a simple but powerful tool – codified compliance policies. For example, want to enforce encryption for personal data? Or confirm access controls on medical records? Or validate security configurations meet PCI DSS standards?

No problem – you can create custom security policy code to automatically scan for compliance criteria along the pipeline. This bakes compliance checks directly into your process instead of bolting them on after. And studies show consistent automation reduces compliance failures by around 60% on average. What a relief!

4. It greases the wheels for faster delivery

68% of security professionals say requiring too many security checks and approvals decelerates development cycles, according to a recent Dimensional Research survey. Yikes!

That killjoy isn’t invited to the orchestration party. Intelligent orchestration only runs the exact security tests needed at each pipeline stage, minimizing friction.

For example, basic static scans during commits, more rigorous dynamic and infrastructure scans during the build stage, and full pen testing in staging. This keeps your delivery train chugging smoothly along the tracks.

According to metrics from customers like Telia Company, orchestration can accelerate deployment frequencies by 2x or more. Plus faster feedback on vulnerabilities means quicker remediation. It’s a win-win!

5. It takes a load off your security budget

Between salaries, tools, and dealing with breaches, security costs add up fast. Analyst firm ESG estimates that large companies spend an average of $15 million annually on application security alone. Yowza!

The good news is intelligent orchestration can significanly trim your security spend.

For one, automation reduces the need for large specialized security teams. Gartner estimates intelligent orchestration provides over 80% savings versus manual testing.

It also minimizes expensive production failures and data breaches by detecting vulnerabilities much earlier in your pipeline. Based on historical trends, on average breaches cost companies $4.35 million in 2022 according to IBM. Those kinds of numbers really add up over time.

So don‘t let security weigh down your organization. Intelligent orchestration gives you the leverage to secure DevOps efficiently while maintaining velocity. Reach out if you need any help getting strategies or tools in place!

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