Is 100 subs a lot?

Not in the grand scheme. While the first 100 loyal fans represents major progress for a starting creator, most popular gaming channels have subscriber counts in the millions. With over 2 billion monthly YouTube views though, even thousands of dedicated followers allows making great content a full-time job.

Subscriber Counts in Context

Let‘s compare a gaming channel at 100 subscribers to the wider YouTube landscape:

2+ billionYouTube‘s total monthly logged-in viewers
Over 50 millionChannels with 100k+ subscribers
5,000+Gaming channels with 1 million+ subscribers
100Your nascent but promising community

So while your loyal fans deserve celebration as a starting creator, you have lots of growth ahead to join the top gaming personalities found across YouTube.

What Hitting 100 Subs Means

Reaching 100 subscribers is a pivotal milestone for several reasons:

  • Proves your content stands out enough to build an initial audience
  • Shows you understand gaming trends enough to engage viewers
  • Validates investing the time to set up channel, gear, editing skills etc.
  • Gives foundational community to provide feedback for improving

The validation of 100 gaming fans can not be understated early on. Their subscriptions represent hundreds of engaged watch time hours and serve as bouncing boards for what gaming content should come next.

Without them, it‘s easy to question if all the equipment, editing, and gaming practice is worth it. Now you know at least 100 people think so!

Getting from 100 to Your First 1,000 Gaming Subs

If the first 100 subscribers was the steepest hill, getting to 1,000 starts leveling off with momentum. To set your channel up for exponential growth:

  • Double down on popular niche games rather than chase every hot new title
  • Prioritize back-and-forth community connections in comments and social media
  • Reinvest revenue from ads, affiliate sales etc. into better gaming gear and editing
  • Consider collaborations with similar sized channels to share audiences

Remember above all else to stay consistent with uploads, foster your current fans, and always put your viewers first with gaming commentary tailored specifically to them.

The more value you provide, the more your gaming authority will grow well past 100 diehard fans into the thousands!

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