Is anyone max level in Elden Ring?

The short answer is yes – some incredibly dedicated players have managed to hit the maximum level of 713 in Elden Ring. But what does reaching max level actually involve and just how rare of an achievement is it? As an avid fan who has put hundreds of hours into the game myself, let me break it down for you…

Defining Max Level in Elden Ring

In Elden Ring, your character has eight core attributes that can be leveled up through spending runes:

  • Vigor (health)
  • Mind (FP)
  • Endurance (stamina)
  • Strength (physical damage)
  • Dexterity (caster damage)
  • Intelligence (sorceries)
  • Faith (incantations)
  • Arcane (bleed/status effects)

The hard cap for each of these attributes is 99 – that‘s the maximum you can level them to. So by getting all eight attributes to 99, you reach the maximum achievable level of 713.

To put into perspective just how much of a grind this is, let‘s analyze the rune cost to reach max level:

LevelRunes Needed
713 (Max)8,879,348

As you can see, over 8.8 million runes are needed just to max out! This would require killing tons of enemies and likely multiple complete playthroughs.

Documented Cases of Max Level Players

Reaching level 713 is so grindy and difficult that very few have actually done it legitimately. Here are some of the documented max level runs:

  • Reddit user Cafenn94 hit max level after 580 hours of playtime
  • Popular YouTuber Zaki achieved it in NG+7 (7th playthrough!)
  • Streamer Bushy has over 100 playthroughs focused on challenges

Based on these accounts, getting to max level requires almost inhuman dedication and patience. It‘s certainly not something the average player will realistically grind out.

Reaching Max Level – Is It Worth It?

As an avid Elden Ring fan myself with over 200 hours logged, do I think grinding to 713 is really necessary or fun? Honestly, no I do not.

The time investment required gives little practical advantage for most builds. Especially considering there are soft caps starting around 50-60 in each stat that limit further benefits.

In my opinion, rather than obsessing on maxing everything out, you gain more enjoyment from trying out different builds, co-op, and challenging yourself in each playthrough.

However, for some elite players like the ones mentioned above, hitting the cap is the final achievement to show complete mastery of the game. It‘s more about the personal satisfaction and bragging rights of reaching level 713.

The Feat of Max Level Achieved

Ultimately, while chasing max level in Elden Ring may not be for everyone, we have to respect the wild dedication shown by players who have done it.

Having to spend 580+ hours specifically farming runes across multiple journeys shows near superhuman focus. The fact that only a tiny fraction of players have recorded reaching 713 proves how insanely difficult it is.

So to those gamers who have managed to hit the max, I tip my hat to you all. May the good blood guide your way and grace forever shine upon you! You‘ve certainly earned those bragging rights.

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