Is Ascension a DLC? Yes – It‘s a Legendary Zombies Map Pack

As a passionate Call of Duty zombies expert and gaming commentator, I can definitively say that Ascension is a legendary zombie mode DLC map. Originally released in 2011 as part of the First Strike DLC expansion for Call of Duty: Black Ops, Ascension dazzled players with its ambitious scope and shocking undead thrills.

Ascension Map Overview

Let‘s dig deeper into the bloody history of Ascension and why veteran zombie slayers revere it as a pure, unadulterated blast of zombie-blasting mayhem.

Dawn of The Cosmic Silverbacks – Ascension‘s Development

Ascension riveted players by taking the zombie formula to exotic new dimensions. Set inside a top secret Soviet launch site for intercontinental rockets, the map oozed cryptic Cold War intrigue.

According to interviews with Treyarch developers, Ascension sought to expand the scope and scale of Nazi Zombies with more visual spectacle and ambitious Easter Eggs. The team created elaborate underwater areas and gleaming control rooms that felt ripped from a 60s sci-fi movie.

But the showstopper was the introduction of cosmic Silverback gorillas – hulking undead primates endowed with terrifying strength and speed. Along with lethal space monkeys that could steal your perks, Ascension unleashed primate pandemonium!

First Strike DLC – Ascension‘s Launch

As part of the First Strike DLC map pack, Ascension landed on February 1st, 2011 on Xbox 360, with other platforms receiving it later. The DLC included:

  • Ascension – The zombie map taking place in an abandoned Soviet cosmodrome
  • Discovery – Arctic themed multiplayer map
  • Kowloon – Dense Hong Kong location perfect for close quarters combat
  • Stadium – Multilevel sports arena for fierce domination battles
  • Berlin Wall – Historical recreation of the iconic Cold War frontier

First Strike cost $15 or 1200 MS Points – a hearty chunk of cash, but well worth it for what many considered the pinnacle of Black Ops zombie perfection!

Ascension‘s Killer New Features and Easter Eggs

Ascension unleashed a killer swarm of new weapons, enemies, and innovations that still influence zombie maps today:

  • Wonder Weapons – Players could harness the power of the Gersch Device and Matryoshka Dolls
  • Buildables – Construct the Lunar Lander vehicle or Gersch Device to aid your survival
  • Perk Machines – Mule Kick debuted, letting players equip three weapon classes at once
  • Power-Ups – Fresh pickups like the Death Machine gave you a lifesaving edge
  • Enemies – The infamous crawler zombies debuted here along with the cosmic Silverbacks and cymbal-clashing space monkeys
  • Musical Easter Egg – "Abracadavre" by Elena Siegman set the mood perfectly

With so many groundbreaking additions, Ascension carved out its legacy as an instant classic, becoming one of the most acclaimed Call of Duty zombie maps ever conceived.

Ascension‘s Return & Legacy in Zombies Chronicles

Veteran zombie hunters jumped for joy when Ascension lumbered back from the grave in 2017‘s Zombies Chronicles DLC for Black Ops 3. Alongside seven other iconic maps, Ascension received a loving HD graphical overhaul, upgraded with the deep weaponry and gumball systems introduced in Black Ops 3 – while retaining its sinister Soviet atmosphere.

To this day, Ascension endures as one of the most replayed and celebrated maps among the passionate Call of Duty Zombies community. Perusing forums you‘ll see threads passionately debating high round strategies or dissecting complex Easter Egg quests. Its trademark features like persistent perk machines, lunar landers, and Gersh orbs are permanently etched into zombie lore.

And if you listen closely on a quiet night, you might still hear the pained roars of zombified Silverbacks echoing from abandoned, blood-spattered launch platforms…

So in summary, there‘s no question that Ascension ranks as one of the greatest zombie DLC map packs ever conceived. From its ambitious scope and design to landmark innovations that still resonate today, Ascension set a gold standard. Its legacy continues with an adoring community and a resurrection in Zombies Chronicles – cementing its place in history as an iconic Call of Duty zombies classic!

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