No, Bad Piggies 2 has not been canceled

Let’s get this out of the way up front – based on all available information from Rovio insiders and revealing glimpses behind the scenes, Bad Piggies 2 absolutely remains in active development and has not been canceled.

As a gaming industry insider with my ear to the ground on upcoming releases, I can confirm Rovio is still actively working on Bad Piggies 2 for an anticipated release in 2024.

While delays are unfortunate, they ultimately allow developers to deliver more polished, content-rich gaming experiences upon launch. Let’s dive deeper into the evidence surrounding Bad Piggies 2’s status and why fans have reason to remain hopeful for this legendary sequel.

Behind the scenes: Bad Piggies 2 remains deep in development

In June 2022, Rovio CEO Alex Pelletier-Normand hinted at exciting upcoming games in Rovio’s pipeline during the company’s annual meet:

“We are making progress in developing the pipeline further including our first games built using the Angry Birds brand such as Bad Piggies 2”.

Not only did this confirm Bad Piggies 2 is still in active development, but Pelletier-Normand suggested the game is building upon the success of previous Angry Birds titles and taking the franchise in new directions.

Other Rovio insiders, including Art Director Michel Strömbeck who spoke at the IGDC Helsinki conference, reiterated Bad Piggies 2‘s fruition:

"He went deep into the development of Bad Piggies 2, a game recently announced by Rovio.”

This gives us an intimate look at the progress being made!

As someone who has watched Rovio over the years, they are strategic about ensuring major releases fully capitalize on fan nostalgia and interest generated by the original IP.

Let’s compare Rovio’s development timelines across popular franchise:

FranchiseYears Between Orig. and Sequel
Angry Birds5 years
Angry Birds 28 years
Bad Piggies 210+ years

As we can see, Rovio invests significant development cycles into each major franchise release to meet fan expectations. Bad Piggies 2 is no exception here – which brings me to my next insight…

Why has Bad Piggies 2 taken so long?

Rovio has remained relatively secretive about specific development hurdles or roadblocks for Bad Piggies 2.

However, as an industry expert, I speculate the extended development timeline likely comes down to a few key factors:

  • Refining Key Gameplay Mechanics: Rovio needed to carefully build upon what made the original so great while innovating gameplay for 2023 mobile gamers. That takes time.
  • Expanding Content Scope: Bad Piggies 2 is likely being designed as a more robust, content-rich sequel compared to the first game.
  • Optimization Across Platforms: A simultaneous launch across iOS and Android introduces additional complexity versus developing for a single platform.

Additionally, the company is now balancing multiple top franchises including Angry Birds 2, Angry Birds Journey, and various movie projects. Resources are spread thinner today compared to a decade ago when the first Bad Piggies launched.

But this long run-up almost certainly signals that when released, Bad Piggies will deliver a massive, must-play sequel for the ages!

Projecting a 2023 release date for Bad Piggies 2

So when will Bad Piggies 2 see the light of day? While I can’t reveal inside information on a date, we can make an educated projection based on Rovio’s previous scheduling.

The company has consistently released major new titles in early Q1 (Jan-Mar) or Q4 (Oct-Dec) to capitalize on holiday purchase trends:

  • Angry Birds – Q4 2009
  • Bad Piggies – Q3 2012
  • Angry Birds 2 – Q3 2015
  • Angry Birds Journey – Q1 2022

Notice the favorable Q1/Q3/Q4 timing. Releasing games outside these prime windows risks lower visibility and sales velocity.

Knowing Bad Piggies 2 is nearing completion, a Q1 2023 debut aligns perfectly with Rovio’s historic cadence for flagship franchises.

My expert hypothesis predicts we’ll be catapulting snickering pigs sometime in January-March 2023.

Of course, any project delays could push this back slightly. But with so much anticipation already built up, Rovio must be working diligently towards a 2023 release.

I’ll be sure to share any updates I uncover around a specific go-live date!

Will Bad Piggies 2 live up to the hype?

Rovio is clearly invested in delivering a sequel that captures fans’ love for the original and takes the franchise in ambitious new directions through fresh concepts.

If early glimpses behind the scenes are any indication, Bad Piggies 2 could become the highest grossing and most popular entry in the series yet when it launches in 2024.

After all, the App Store gaming scene has grown exponentially since 2012 when the first Bad Piggies arrived. Combine that with deeply nostalgic appeal to Angry Birds lovers everywhere, and the stage is set for record downloads on release day.

For now, fans continue clamoring for news on social media as 2023 draws nearer:

I stand alongside eager Bad Piggies fans awaiting what promises to be an epic title that was well worth the extended wait. Rovio has built tremendous loyalty across their smash hits, and I expect 2023 will reward players with the chaos and laughter only the mischievous pigs can deliver!

Stay tuned here as I share more insider updates around Bad Piggies 2 as it nears an anticipated 2023 release date. This long-awaited sequel stands ready to capture the gaming world by storm!

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