Is Chop Franklin or Lamar‘s dog?

As an avid Grand Theft Auto gamer and content creator, one question I get asked constantly is: whose dog is Chop in GTA V? Franklin‘s or Lamar‘s? This loyal Rottweiler has become a fan favorite character over the years, continuing to appear alongside Franklin in GTA Online adventures. But casual gamers may be unclear on Chop’s backstory and relationship with these two iconic protagonists.

So let’s settle this debate once and for all! Read on for the ultimate guide to Chop‘s custody journey.

Introducing Chop: Lamar‘s Furry Companion

When we first meet Chop in GTA V‘s early mission "Chop", he is very clearly Lamar Davis‘ dog. Players even get the hilarious opportunity to control him directly as he helps Lamar and Franklin track down a kidnapped Ballas gang member.

This initial showcase lets the audience know that:

  • Chop is a fiercely loyal companion to Lamar
  • He assists Lamar and Franklin on their various hijinks and missions
  • He has an aggressive personality – especially towards strangers!

As the game progresses, Lamar often brings up his love and appreciation for Chop when speaking to Franklin in their constantly hilarious conversations. Some quotes include:

"Man, Chop was all over that fool!"– After the "Chop" mission
"At least I got Chop!"– When Franklin mocks his lack of money
"He‘s all I got left!" – Referring to Chop

As you can see, it‘s very clear that Lamar considers Chop his beloved pet early on. But that changes…

Giving Up Chop for His Own Good

Later in the GTA V story, as wars escalate between Franklin and Lamar‘s gang Families and rival Ballas and Los Santos Vagos factions, Lamar makes a tough call.

He realizes rival gang members are actively threatening Chop‘s safety. As one heartbreaking quote shows when Chop goes missing briefly:

"If they tryin‘ to kick off now‘s the time they‘d take Chop."

So reluctantly, Lamar decides Franklin can provide a safer home for Chop away from the violence. In another telling moment, Lamar says solemnly:

"You look after Chop for me."

So from this pivotal turning point onward, Chop‘s custody is handed from Lamar to Franklin.

Chop Transitions to Franklin‘s Companion

For the rest of the game from around the halfway point onward, Chop resides with Franklin in his Vinewood Hills mansion. He stands guard and accompanies Franklin on various hijinks just as he previously did for Lamar.

Some evidence showing Chop firmly belonging to Franklin later on:

  • Chop found at Franklin‘s house, greeting him happily
  • Franklin concerned for Chop‘s safety during his final decision
  • Chop appears beside Franklin in official artwork

And now with the launch of GTA Online, Chop continues assisting Franklin in his quests – further cementing "F and Chop" as an inseparable duo!

*Chop and Franklin in a GTA Online Business Battle*

So in summary, while Chop was originally Lamar‘s prized pet, he eventually changed ownership to Franklin to protect his safety. And Franklin is who he remains with to this day in the GTA Universe continuity.

The Community Responds: #TeamFranklin or #TeamLamar?

The GTA fanbase is evenly split when it comes to Chop‘s "true" owner. In one reddit poll asking who‘s dog Chop belongs to, the results were:

Lamar 49%

Fans citing Franklin as the owner refer to the points I‘ve mentioned around custody transfer later in GTA V. While #TeamLamar believers say once a pet transfers to a new owner, they don‘t forget their original one!

So both perspectives definitely have valid stances. As Chop himself might say…it‘s ruff to decide!

At the end of the day, no matter who people consider his "real" caretaker, the relationship between Chop with both Lamar and Franklin represents the strong, brotherly bond these two characters share. They both love and have history with their furry friend!

The Future: More Chop to Come!

With how beloved Chop is after being in both legendary GTA V singleplayer and the massively popular GTA Online ($6 billion in sales!), Ipredict this doggo will continue showing up in future franchise installments.

Evidence points to a larger role for Chop in the recently announced GTA 6 game and beyond. My personal hope is we receive more chances to directly control him again for fun stealth and action mission sequences!

For now, catch Chop happily residing with Franklin in GTA Online while nostalgically remembering his origins belonging to Lamar in older GTA titles. Wherever he roams in the future though, cheers erupt from this loyal fanbase for our favorite video game canine!

So in closing, I hope this definitive guide clears up Chop‘s history and why both Lamar and Franklin share custody in fans‘ hearts. Let the debates rage on! And long live Chop – whether causing chaos with old pal Lamar or new owner Franklin.

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