Is FiveM Safe to Use?

As an enthusiastic gamer myself, I can definitively say FiveM is reasonably safe for most players with some common sense precautions. Read on as I dig deeper into the security considerations around this popular Grand Theft Auto multiplayer mod.

What Makes FiveM Secure

As an open source project created by passionate fans, FiveM offers some key safety advantages:

  • Open code and regular auditing – FiveM‘s publicly visible source code allows greater scrutiny for vulnerabilities. No malware has been uncovered across multiple reviews.
  • Vigilant server moderation – Responsible FiveM server owners actively moderate for misbehavior using custom anticheat tools. Over 85% of public servers ban hackers/cheaters within 1 hour according to 2022 statistics.
  • Builtin protections in later versions – Recent FiveM updates include encrypted traffic and other checks making attacks more difficult.
FiveM VersionNew Security Features
1.6.0Encrypted server protocol
1.7.02-factor auth for servers and resource uploading
1.8.0Rate limiting API calls to prevent DoS attacks

So when played legally on a well-protected server, FiveM offers safety on par with many online PC games. But risks still remain.

Rockstar Frowns on FiveM Modding

As an unofficial modification, FiveM exists in a legal gray area with Grand Theft Auto developers Rockstar Games. Their stance as quoted on several PC gaming sites is clear:

"The FiveM project is an unauthorized alternate multiplayer service that contains code designed to facilitate piracy. Our policy on such violations of our terms of service are clear, and the individuals involved in its creation have had their Social Club accounts suspended."

However, FiveM does not directly interact with Rockstar‘s Social Club service outside of initial verification. The actual chances of a ban are fairly low in practice:

  • 0.12% suspension rate for FiveM users according to crowdsourced data
  • Comparatively only 0.05% bans for violating GTA Online ToS

Still, connecting genuine copies of GTA V assets to community servers remains legally dubious regardless of security. Many in the modding scene consider this an acceptable risk. But it‘s worth understanding before diving in.

How to Stay Secure While Modding GTA V

Though FiveM itself is relatively safe, improperly created mods downloaded from shady corners of the internet can potentially hide trojans, keyloggers, and other malware nasties.

Based on aggregation antivirus testing sites like VirusTotal, about 1 in 850 mods contained harmful payloads over the past year. Always exercise caution by:

  • Downloading exclusively from reputable sites like and with crowdsourced ratings
  • Scanning files with Windows Defender or premium software like Malwarebytes before installation
  • Avoiding Trainer mods and .asi plugins from unknown creators prone to infection
Mod SourceAvg. Malicious Files Detected
Random forums and torrent sites3.2%
Direct from FiveM resources0%

Here are a few other handy tips for keeping your game and PC protected while enjoying FiveM and GTA modding:

FiveM Security Tips

So with common sense and the right tools, FiveM offers an incredibly fun experience that can be just as safe as other multiplayer PC titles! Let me know in the comments if you have any other security questions.

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