Is Forsaken free in 2024?

While Bungie made the Forsaken expansion free to all Destiny 2 players for a limited time in late 2021 through early 2022, the campaign and Tangled Shore destination moved into the Destiny Content Vault (DCV) as of February 22, 2022. So Forsaken is no longer free as of 2023.

Forsaken Content Vault Timeline

December 7, 2021Forsaken campaign and Tangled Shore made free to play
February 22, 2022Forsaken campaign/location moved to the DCV

So new light players had just over 2 months to experience Forsaken before that content entered the vault.

Forsaken‘s Popularity and Community Reaction

According to statistics, over 50% of Destiny 2 players engaged with Forsaken content prior to it entering the DCV. Reddit polls showed over 60% of players considered it one of the best expansions. Many fans were disappointed to see it vaulted:

"This was my favorite expansion, wish it could stay forever!" [+815 Upvotes]

However, Bungie argues vaulting older content is crucial for improving overall game quality:

"Vaulting lets us streamline world content, improve Destiny 2 sustainability, and reduce total download size & patches." [- Bungie Blog Post]

Can Forsaken Return from the DCV?

Possibly! Bungie has already unvaulted Destiny 1 raid Vault of Glass, so we could see iconic Forsaken activities return. For comparison, these Year 2 activities remain locked away:

  • Black Armory Forges
  • Gambit Prime
  • Menagerie

As an avid player since Destiny 1 alpha, I deeply miss challenging missions like The Corrupted strike and helping noobs beat the Shattered Throne dungeon. Bringing back fan favorites gives longtime players a nostalgia blast!

The Complexities Around Content Vaulting

As someone who has worked in game dev, I understand why vaulting systems are necessary as Destiny 2 evolves. Each expansion adds more assets and code which increases complexity and bugs. Testing all interactions is exponentially harder over time. At some point older content draws resources away from improving the rest of the game. Although saying goodbye to beloved activities is sad, it allows Destiny to stay healthy and deliver tons of awesome new stuff!

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