No, Fortnite is Not Owned by Microsoft – Here‘s the Real Scoop

Let‘s settle this right off the bat – Fortnite and its developer Epic Games are wholly owned independently, not by industry juggernaut Microsoft. With Epic valued at over $31 billion as of April 2022, its CEO and controlling shareholder Tim Sweeney has no intention of selling.

As an avid Fortnite player and industry expert, I‘ll break down exactly why Microsoft rumors swirl, who owns the gaming phenom, and why Epic holding onto its independence is a win for gamers.

From Co-Op Survival to Battle Royale Sensation

First, a quick history lesson for the uninitiated…

Fortnite kicked off in 2011 when Epic Games announced this new zombie survival co-op game. After years in development, Fortnite: Save the World finally launched in 2017 as a paid early access title focused on cooperative base building and defense.

But Epic had a secret battle royale mode up its sleeve, riding the wave of PUBG‘s success. That September, Fortnite Battle Royale launched free-to-play as a standalone spin-off title.

Overnight success doesn‘t even describe it – with over 125 million players by 2018, Fortnite‘s explosive popularity catapulted Epic into the gaming big leagues.

Fortnite player growth over time

(Source: Statista)

And the rest is history – with in-game events, original IP, metaverse ambitions and more, Fortnite has strategically evolved into a social and creative phenomenon that shows no signs of slowing.

Epic Games – Independent Giant

With Fortnite‘s rise, many gamers understandably ask – who owns this thing?

To start, Fortnite developer Epic Games was founded in 1991 by CEO Tim Sweeney. Mr. Sweeney maintains majority control even as the company swelled to a reported $31.5 billion valuation in 2022.

In 2012, Chinese tech conglomerate Tencent bought 40% of Epic stock in a reported $330 million deal. Walt Disney Co and others later invested during Epic‘s meteoric Fortnite rise.

However, Sweeney retained over 50% controlling interest throughout (and voting control). Unlike Activision and Blizzard, Epic remains a privately-held, independent company. Pretty impressive considering Fortnite pulled in an estimated $5.1 billion in 2020 revenue.

And with recent major industry moves by Microsoft, Sony and others, Epic further solidified its independence in 2022 by raising $2 billion in funding led by Sony and KIRKBI, the Lego family‘s holding company.

Big Fish Gobbling…Who Exactly?

In January 2022, Xbox parent company Microsoft rocked the gaming world announcing plans to acquire Activision-Blizzard-King (Call of Duty, World of Warcraft, Candy Crush) for a record $68.7 billion.

Sony also opened its seemingly bottomless wallet, grabbing Destiny developer Bungie for $3.6 billion (after investing $250 million in Epic directly back in 2020).

With all these mega-deals in the news, I can‘t blame gamers for wondering whether Fortnite giants Epic Games might be next up on the auction block!

However, industry analysts largely agree these moves targeted back catalog IP and assets missing from the largest console makers‘ arsenals. Not snapping up thriving independents like Epic Games which print their own money through in-game spending and Unreal Engine licensing.

Simply put – there‘s just no incentive for Mr. Sweeney to sell anytime soon with Epic continuing its meteoric rise.

Projected 2022-2025 worldwide consumer spending on Fortnite

(Source: Statista)

Why Epic "Staying Indie" is Good for Gamers

In closing, I believe Epic retaining Fortnite independence serves gamers better long term by:

  • Preserving creativity and responsiveness: answering to profit and players directly rather than some mega-conglomerate‘s interests
  • Encouraging competition and innovation: forced to stay scrappy and keep advancing Unreal Engine, metaverse goals
  • Supporting multi-platform accessibility: remaining platform neutral with Epic Games Store and release strategies benefiting more gamers

While the biggest names seem destined to get swallowed up by tech giants, the current leader in gaming joy and creativity continues marching to the beat of its own (loot llama) drum!

As Fortnite trail-blazes into the future, we can rest easy knowing every wild innovation sprang from its own wacky, un acquisitioned minds!

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