Is Kroger Pickup Free in 2024? (Everything You Need to Know)

Kroger grocery pickup allows busy shoppers to skip tripsto the store. But does this convenient service come with extra fees? Here‘s a comprehensive look at Kroger‘s pickup pricing and policies so you know what to expect.

The Rapid Rise of Grocery Pickup Services

Demand for grocery pickup services has skyrocketed in recent years. An estimated 56% of shoppers bought groceries online in 2022, up from 36% in 2019 according to Bain & Company. And grocery chains have been racing to meet this demand.

Kroger alone offers pickup at over 2,000 store locations nationwide. Other top chains like Walmart, Target, and Albertsons also provide pickup, though availability varies by location. Clearly pickup is going mainstream – but are there costs involved?

Is Kroger Pickup Free?

The big question many shoppers have is whether Kroger‘s pickup service comes with fees. The answer is: it depends on your order total.

Here is a breakdown of Kroger Pickup pricing in 2024:

Order TotalPickup Fee
Under $35$4.95

So if you spend $35 or more before tax, Kroger Pickup is free. But orders less than $35 incur a $4.95 service charge.

Note: The minimum order size for free pickup increased from $30 to $35 in January 2023.

How does this compare to other chains like Walmart and Target? See the pickup fee policies below:

RetailerMinimum Order for Free PickupPickup Fee
Kroger$35+$4.95 (under $35)
Walmart$35+$4.97 (under $35)
TargetNO order minimumFREE

So Target offers free pickup regardless of order size. But Kroger and Walmart have nearly identical structures – $35 minimum and $4.95/$4.97 fees respectively for smaller orders.

Kroger Pickup Hours, Availability, and Other Details

Understanding Kroger‘s pickup policies is key to using the service smoothly:

  • Hours: Pickup available daily 7AM-10PM
  • Availability: 2,000+ Kroger locations offer pickup. Check here if your store participates.
  • Substitutions: You can allow or deny item substitutions for out-of-stocks.
  • Coupons & Discounts: Digital and paper coupons can be applied. Fuel points also apply.
  • Cancellations: Orders can be canceled up until midnight before your pickup day.
  • Returns: General Kroger return policies apply. Items can typically be returned within 30 days.

So Kroger offers broad pickup availability, late order cut-offs, and standard policies on discounts, substitutions, cancellations and returns. This allows flexibility for shoppers.

Why Do Grocery Pickup Services Charge Fees?

While some see pickup fees as inconvenient, there are reasons retailers charge them:

Labor Costs: Facilitating pickup requires additional staff for shopping, staging and loading orders. Fees help cover these labor costs.

Encouraging Larger Orders: The minimum order requirements incentivize customers to consolidate trips and purchase more per visit. This saves retailers labor.

Discouraging Abuse: Fees prevent shoppers from overusing pickup for tiny, frequent purchases. This ensures order volume aligns with staffing.

So while the fees may be annoying, they help keep pickup economical for the retailers.

The Bottom Line: Tips for Free Kroger Pickup

While Kroger technically charges for orders under $35, you can easily avoid fees by:

  • Bundling multiple smaller shopping trips into one larger pickup order
  • Adding some non-perishable items like paper towels to reach the $35 minimum
  • Using digital coupons to get more for your dollar

A little planning goes a long way. And occasional $4.95 fees may be worth convenience. Either way, Kroger Pickup lets modern shoppers save precious time.

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