Is Far Cry New Dawn Worth Getting in 2024?

As a long-time fan of Ubisoft’s open world shooter franchise, I have eagerly followed the entire Far Cry series over the years. And when the neon-bathed post-apocalyptic wasteland of Far Cry New Dawn was unveiled back in 2019, needless to say – I was intrigued.

Now years after its release, is this offbeat entry in the explosive FPS series still worth playing for both fans and newcomers? After revisiting Hope County in its transformed state, I’m ready to deliver my verdict.

Revisiting A Familiar Playground

Far Cry New Dawn is set 17 years after Far Cry 5’s climax, where the nuclear ordnance ordered by cult leader Joseph Seed leaves the land in radioactive ruins. Stepping out of Vault 79, you embark on liberating the remnants of Hope County from the maniacal Highwaymen twins ruling the region.

This provides an excellent backdrop for showcasing a fictional Montana landscape ravaged by atomic fire and chaos. Skeletal trees reach towards the sky decorated by vibrant graffiti. Hot pink flowers contrast against decayed buildings reclaimed by nature. Makeshift vehicles and weapons amplify the harshness of this struggling new world.

Ubisoft deserves praise for managing to give such a distinct visual identity and character to a map players have already explored before. The gorgeous art direction and minor environmental tweaks work together beautifully to sell the passage of time after global nuclear annihilation.

Hope County Before The Collapse

Hope County Jail (Far Cry 5)

Hope County After The Collapse

Skeletal trees and pink flowers take over the landscape

This balance between familiar and foreign is central to the experience. Long time Hope County explorers will be hit with nostalgia traversing altered landmarks, while also marveling at the transformation 17 years can bring to a landscape marked by atomic tragedy.

Scavenge, Craft, Conquer

Like its namesake, Hope County is slowly experiencing the dawn of resurgence through individuals who call themselves Survivors. As the newest recruit to the survivor group known as Prosperity, you take on the task of rebuilding civilization by strengthening your home base.

This means scavenging the landscape for resources like metal, machinery and ethanol while fending off hostile groups like the feral pack known as the Highwaymen and the fanatical New Eden cult.

Crafting has always been part of the Far Cry DNA, and New Dawn amplifies the system by making it a key aspect of growth. The gameplay essentially boils down to:

  • Scavenge for resources via side activities like liberating outposts
  • Bring those resources back to improve and upgrade Prosperity
  • Unlocking new base facilities rewards you with crafting recipes for weapons and vehicles
  • Rinse and repeat to stand a chance against ever tougher enemies

It’s a satisfying progression loop that keeps pushing you deeper into Hope County’s depths. Like most Ubisoft titles, expect to invest at least 40-50 hours for completing all side activities.

Satisfying, Strategic Combat

When it comes to moment-to-moment action though, Far Cry New Dawn checks all the boxes. No matter what activity you choose, it always ends in a symphony of explosions. The gunplay retains that crunchy feel previous entries like Far Cry 5 and 4 nailed perfectly.

Nailing headshots with a sniper rifle or mowing down enemies with an LMG leaves you feeling powerful, while stealth melee takedowns and bow kills require precision and timing. There is a lot of flexibility in approaching encounters too, with various tactics like distraction and sabotage at your disposal just like classic Far Cry.

The highlight has to be Expeditions – raids on hostile territory that amps up difficulty but offer greater rewards. Here the chaotic action goes into overdrive with tougher, elite enemies attacking in droves. It captures the desperate, high-octane feeling you expect from fending off murderous raiders.

The Shooting Mechanics Are Top Notch

New Dawn also experiments with some RPG mechanics by introducing a power level tied to gear score. Both you and enemies are assigned combat ratings, so confronting a high level zone without sufficient firepower will get you crushed.

While not very deep, this risk vs reward system makes players consider strategizing more carefully instead of rushing into combat recklessly. It also helps contribute to the looter shooter vibe as you constantly seek to upgrade equipment to face down deadlier rivals stalking the land.

Overall, I found the core combat gameplay remains highly satisfying. The gunplay, stealth system and upgraded dynamics like Expeditions make clearing camps and confronting roaming patrols endlessly enjoyable.

Is Post-Apocalyptic Hope County Worth Exploring?

Hope County’s rebuilders don’t have an easy road though. As you dive deeper into liberating this new-world landscape, some unfortunate flaws inherent to Ubisoft’s open-world formula start to creep up.

The narrative lacks enough gravitas or player influence to elevate material that at its core, remains quite similar to previous entries. Twins Mickey and Lou do not have the manic charisma of Far Cry 3’s Vaas to compel interest as central villains. I never felt truly invested in the Survivalist vision beyond it being the goal du jour to justify gameplay.

This extends to mission design, with oft-criticized Ubisoft tropes like repetitive side activities showing up. Clear this checkpoint, steal that ethanol truck – the recycled objectives get stale after extended play sessions. It would have benefited greatly from more unique context to side missions beyond generic open world padding.

Far Cry Game Length Over Time

Average Far Cry Game Lengths (Source:

Content volume also emerges as an issue, with a completionist run clocking 26 hours on average according to HowLongToBeat – one of the lowest in the franchise. For a full-priced $60 title, some may argue this comes across underwhelming.

The counterpoint lies in replay value and post-game incentives. New Dawn offers ample reason to keep returning to Hope County with tougher expeditions, outpost master levels and new game plus mode. Experimenting with different playstyles also adds mileage.

But at launch, skepticism around the amount of fresh content was apparent. With recent sales bringing the price down though, it transforms into a much sweeter value proposition.

Critical Reception Over Time

Critic Review Scores For Far Cry New Dawn (Source: Metacritic)

Review analysis site Metacritic tracks this tempered critical reception, with an average critic score of 72 indicating mixed opinions. Reviewers praised the vibrant post-apocalyptic ambience but criticized the repetitive grind and lack of narrative innovation holding it back from greatness.

General player sentiment seems to echo this assessment, enjoying the crafting gameplay loop while acknowledging the recycled mission design issues. But most agree the budget price makes it worthwhile for fans seeking another hit of explosive open-world action.

The Verdict – Grab On Sale For Die-Hard Fans

So back to our original question – is Far Cry New Dawn in 2024 still worth playing? I would recommend picking it up on sale for franchise fans hungry to return to Hope County. The vibrant post-apocalyptic realization and solid core gameplay make it an entertaining side entry, even if held back by typical Ubisoft open-world pitfalls.

For those new to the series, it’s harder to justify paying full price with recycled content and average 10-15 hour campaign length. You would be better served experiencing fan-favorite entries like Far Cry 3, 4 or 5 first.

Yet at the current discounted rate, New Dawn deserves attention from FPS enthusiasts. Roaming the lavishly realized ruins of a fictional Montana countryside, gearing up your home base, and gunning down murderous raiders proves plenty fun in condensed doses.

It may not reach the peaks of apex predators like Vaas from Far Cry 3. But mutants like the relentless Judge will still haunt your travels through Eden’s Gate territory and remind you that when it comes to chaotic action, few can compete with this franchise.

So lock and load for a neon-tinged exploration of a world rebuilding after tragedy, when you boot up Far Cry New Dawn today.

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