Is Red Dead Redemption 2 an RPG?

Red Dead Redemption 2 (RDR2) has some RPG elements, but would not be considered a true roleplaying game by most standards. It is more accurately categorized as an open-world action-adventure title set in a Western backdrop. However, it does incorporate certain RPG mechanics into its gameplay and progression systems.

The RPG Elements

While not a full-fledged RPG, RDR2 does feature:

  • A basic level of character progression where players improve Arthur Morgan‘s skills over time
  • Dialogue choices during certain missions that can impact outcomes
  • Non-linear side quests with multiple possible solutions
  • Survival mechanics like needs to eat, sleep and maintain equipment

So in certain respects RDR2 allows players to roleplay a customized version of outlaw Arthur Morgan.

Missing Core RPG Ingredients

However, many of the defining features of RPGs are absent:

  • No option to create your own character with custom appearance, backstory, etc.
  • Arthur Morgan is a strongly predefined protagonist character
  • Narrative and missions are priority over player freedom/agency
  • Core gameplay centers on action, shooting, horse riding rather than roleplaying

So while it incorporates RPG elements, the lack of choice over Arthur‘s identity and his story‘s defined narrative arc exclude it from being a true RPG.

Strong Open-World Structure

Similar to Rockstar‘s other sandbox games like Grand Theft Auto V, the vibrant open world environment becomes a stage for emergent gameplay narratives defined by player choice. Side activities, random encounters and nonlinearity outside main quests support dynamic roleplaying moments.

With its Western themes and action-adventure foundations, Red Dead Redemption 2 is not intended to be an RPG. However, its open-ended structure facilitates player-driven stories through its interactive world. Fans seeking even more roleplaying freedom may want to look towards games like The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim instead. But RDR2 uniquely blends strong writing and gameplay diversity for an experience offering glimpses into the RPG genre.

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