Is Resident Evil 2 Co-Op Multiplayer?

No, the recent Resident Evil 2 remake does not contain any co-op multiplayer functionality. The entire single player campaign must be played solo, with no option for a friend to join in either split-screen local co-op or online co-op.

A Focus on Solo Survival Horror

Capcom purposefully designed the Resident Evil 2 remake as a tense, vulnerability-inducing single player experience. With resources scarce, enemies terrifyingly relentless, and environments puzzling, going it alone ratchets up the horror feeling. Having a co-op partner along for the ride would dampen that carefully constructed atmosphere.

Many fans and critics praised Capcom‘s commitment to crafting an authentic, scary solo adventure in the RE2 remake. Stripping out any co-op was key to immersing players in survival horror dread.

But Other Resident Evil Games Have Co-Op

The series has experimented with co-op multiplayer in various installments over the years:

  • Resident Evil 5: Full campaign play with 2-player co-op online or local split-screen
  • Resident Evil 6: 2-player co-op campaign online and offline
  • Resident Evil Revelations 2: Raid mode supports 2-player online and local co-op
  • Resident Evil Raccoon City: 4 player co-op campaign and versus modes

So while Resident Evil 2 opts for solitary scariness, other entries allow for teammate camaraderie. Having a buddy system can help temper frightening moments.

GameCo-Op CampaignCo-Op Side Modes
Resident Evil 2NoNo
Resident Evil 5YesYes
Resident Evil Revelations 2NoYes

The Best of Both Worlds

I tend to appreciate Resident Evil games that offer both focused solo survival campaigns and multiplayer side modes. The upcoming Resident Evil 4 remake looks to follow that format – solo story with the bonus of online competitive multiplayer via the separate Re:Verse experience.

This gives players the best of both worlds – single player scares and tense resource management paired with fun, social co-op activities. The asymmetrical multiplayer gameplay of Resident Evil Resistance also nailed that balance.

The Future of Resident Evil Co-Op

I suspect future mainline sequels will stick to single player narratives but may expand on multiplayer experiments through separate modes or standalone games.

Given the power of next-gen consoles and internet connectivity, there are plenty of opportunities to evolve interesting asymmetric and co-op concepts that still stay true to those survival horror roots.

As both a passionate Resident Evil fan and gamer in general, I can appreciate different approaches to multiplayer and co-op. But horror and vulnerability often thrive in single player settings. I trust Capcom to continue striking the right tone across remakes and sequels when it comes to solo vs team play.

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