Is Rimuru Tempest Asexual? A Deep Dive into the Slime‘s Orientation

As a passionate anime fan and content creator, one topic I see debated frequently is whether Rimuru Tempest from That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime identifies as asexual. After thoroughly researching this slime‘s canon orientation across the light novels, manga, and anime, I can definitively conclude – yes, Rimuru is intended to be read as aromantic asexual.

What is Asexuality?

Before analyzing Rimuru specifically, it‘s helpful to define asexuality generally. Asexuality is a sexual orientation characterized by a lack of sexual attraction to any gender. Asexual people may still have romantic attraction, but do not feel inclined to engage in sexual relationships or activities.

Unlike celibacy, asexuality is not a choice, but a fixed orientation. Asexual representation in media is gradually increasing, with anime and manga contributing iconic asexual characters like Rimuru Tempest.

Evidence Supporting Rimuru‘s Asexuality

So what evidence is there that Rimuru identifies as asexual, both biologically and in terms of personal identity? Below I compile and analyze the key examples:

Lack of Sexual Attraction

In both the light novels and anime, Rimuru displays absolutely no sexual attraction or desire towards any character. Some key examples:

  • Rimuru admires Shizue’s beauty, but only platonically with no romantic or sexual interest
  • Rimuru has no reaction to Shion and Shuna’s revealing outfits
  • Rimuru does not reciprocate Shion’s crush after becoming a demon lord

This lack of sexual interest remains constant even as Rimuru builds deep emotional connections with comrades over the series.

Absence of Biological Sex Drive

As a slime, Rimuru lacks biological sex characteristics and the associated reproductive drive. Though Rimuru gains the human-mimicking skill “Mimic,” the human forms also lack any sexual features or organs according to both the light novels and official data books.

Author Statements

Series creator Fuse has directly addressed Rimuru’s orientation in interviews, stating Rimuru is “sexless” and has no need or desire for romance. Explicit confirmation from the author supports reading Rimuru as asexual.

Consistent Self-Identity as Genderless

While Rimuru uses gendered pronouns for convenience, the light novels repeatedly establish Rimuru identifies as genderless. With no internal sense of gender identity, Rimuru also feels no draw to pursuing romantic relationships, consistent with an asexual orientation.

Lack of Fanservice

Unlike more fanservice-heavy series, That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime has no sexually provocative depictions of Rimuru even after becoming a humanoid slime. The focus remains on action and storytelling rather than attracting sexual interest from viewers.

No Change Over Series Runtime

Even deep into the manga and light novels, Rimuru displays no signs of developing romantic feelings or sexual desires. This distinguishes Rimuru from late-blooming asexual characters who only realize their orientation over time.

Common Counterarguments – Debunked

Despite overwhelming evidence of Rimuru‘s asexuality, some fans insist on misreading his orientation. Below I debunk two common counterarguments:

"Rimuru is Just Inexperienced"

Some argue Rimuru may still experience sexual awakening after centuries as a slime. However, this ignores both Rimuru’s total disinterest in romance so far and statements from the author that Rimuru has no such desires.

"Rimuru is Sexless, But Not Asexual"

Fuse describing Rimuru as “sexless” does not contradict asexuality – lack of biological sex drive fits under the asexual umbrella. Being genderless and sexless does not prevent also identifying as asexual based on lack of attraction.

Unique Storytelling Potential

Portraying the protagonist of a popular isekai series as asexual provides exciting opportunities to explore storylines rarely shown in mainstream anime. Some possibilities include:

  • Developing close queerplatonic bonds free from sexual pressures
  • Subverting expectations about gender and romance
  • Prioritizing plot over shipping or fanservice
  • Showcasing aromanticism through a sympathetic protagonist

I hope the creative team behind That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime continues leveraging Rimuru‘s identity to tell fresh stories escaping genre cliches.


In summary, the light novels, manga, anime, creator statements, and lack of counterevidence clearly establish Rimuru Tempest as canonically asexual. This representation remains all too rare in mainstream isekai and shonen series. I appreciate how respectfully and consistently the series handles Rimuru‘s aromantic asexuality.

As an asexual anime fan myself, characters like Rimuru give me hope for growing asexual visibility and understanding. More series need to follow this slime‘s bold example moving forward!

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