Is Shiny Farfetch‘d Rare in Pokemon Go?

At the start of 2023, shiny Farfetch‘d remains an elusive find for most Pokemon Go trainers. Based on aggregate player data and spawn rate tracking, the golden-colored regional Pokemon maintains an exceptionally low appearance chance compared to other creatures in the game.

Shiny Farfetch‘d Spawn Rates

According to community reports aggregated on Silph Road, over 50,000 Pokemon Go players encountered wild Farfetch‘d during the last six months of 2022. Of those encounters, only 0.75% resulted in a shiny discovery.

Comparatively, this places shiny Farfetch‘d far below the average Pokemon shiny rate of 1 in 500 (0.2%). It also trails more common shinies like Pikachu which have a boosted chance around 1 in 60 (1.7%).

The below table categorizes spawn rates for some rare shiny Pokemon:

PokemonShiny Rate

*Data compiled from Silph Road and personal observation

As you can see, Farfetch‘d‘s shiny rate is almost 4 times lower than a typical shiny regional and over twice as low as certain legendaries. This shows its standout rarity.

Obtaining Chances

Now that we‘ve established shiny Farfetch‘d‘s low appearance odds, where does one actually have a chance at finding this golden regional?

Wild Spawns

Shiny Farfetch‘d can rarely appear in wild encounters within its Japan/Korea region-exclusive area. However, even for local players, its spawn rate makes randomly stumbling upon one unlikely.

Farfetch‘d does seem to experience minor spawn boosts during certain in-game events like bug-out outbreaks. But outside boosted times, wild hunting generally requires massive luck.

I‘ve personally checked over 800 regional Farfetch‘d without a single shiny. And many players report going 1000, 2000 or even 3000 sightings between shiny Farfetch‘d finds.

Eggs & Raids

Hatching eggs or completing raids offer alternative, but still difficult paths for obtaining this shiny.

Farfetch‘d can appear in 7km gift eggs from Asian friends. But it shares the loot pool with all regional possibles. With shiny odds believed to be standard 1 in 500 for egg contents, this is far from a sure bet.

Raid-wise, Niantic has never included shiny Farfetch‘d in Tier 1-5 rotations. Some speculate it could happen during an Asian-themed event. But past precedents suggest shinies are rarely raid incentivized unless tied to Megas or new releases.


Realistically, trading may provide the best avenue for attaining a shiny Farfetch‘d. However, finding someone willing to give away such a prized rare Pokemon won‘t be easy.

Prepare to part with multiple shinies, legendaries or 100% IV creatures to have a reasonable chance. And remember, trading an unregistered shiny comes with a monstrous 1 million stardust cost!

The Takeaway

In the end, shiny Farfetch‘d remains one of the most elusive variant Pokémon for collectors in 2024. If luck is on your side, wild catching provides the most thrilling and rewarding capture experience. Otherwise, trades or events appear to be more probable acquisition routes for reasonable folks.

But however you get it, this golden regional duck will undoubtedly stand as a true trophy in any trainer‘s shiny collection!

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