Is Summoner Better Than Warlord? An In-Depth Comparison

As a passionate World Zero gamer and content creator, one of the most frequent questions I see debated is whether the powerful Summoner class or martial Warlord class reigns supreme in the current meta. With the intricasies of each class, there is no clear "better" option – both Summoner and Warlord have areas they excell in.

The Short Answer:
Summoner has higher damage potential, especially in single target scenarios, while Warlord exceeds in AOE damage and versatility. Summoner can overwhelm bosses fast, but requires more support and skill investment. Warlord is more self-sufficient but faces limits against high health single targets.

Summoner‘s Single Target Strength

When it comes to focusing down challenging raid bosses or late game dungeon elites, no class can match the Summoner‘s sheer single target damage output. With multiple high damage summons attacking concurrently, Summoners can reach over 10 million DPS on end-game gear:

Attack SourceEst. DPS
Main Summon3m
Support Summons (x4)4m total
Base kit damage3m

And that‘s before factoring secondary effects like armor shred, boss debuffs, and summoned pets contributing even more damage. This allows skilled Summoners to overwhelm most bosses before damaging mechanics become an issue.

However, there are some key drawbacks…

The Catch – Setup, Support Dependency, and No AOE

Reaching that pinnacle of damage requires heavy investment in gear and skill points to reduce summon cooldowns and buff damage multipliers. Without sufficient cooldown reduction, Summoners suffer periods of downtime.

Being purely single target also requires allies or off-class options for clearing trash mobs between bosses. Bringing extra support classes is advised to provide healing, buffs, and protection while the Summoner unleashes their full rotation.

Solo or unoptimized groups may struggle to enable the Summoner‘s full damage capabilities.

Warlord‘s AOE and Versatility

Conversely, the Warlord class brings strong AOE damage plus greater versatility to fill roles beyond pure DPS. Their kit revolves around hard-hitting melee combos with:

  • Wide arching swings cleaving through packs of enemies
  • Slam attacks inflicting vulnerability debuffs
  • Short cooldown nukes enhancing DPS windows

With innate tankiness via shields, parries, and lifesteal, Warlords also fare better than the squishier cloth-wearing Summoner. This allows more flexibility in group setups without being as support reliant.

However, while certainly no slouch on single targets, Warlords will find greater damage limitations against end-game bosses relative to a Summoner. Without the multiplicative summons and cooldown stacking, Warlords lack the scaling damage potential – but make up for this with well-rounded capabilities.

In Conclusion – Both Have Strengths

Ultimately, as with most class comparisons, both Summoner and Warlord have areas they excel in.

For confronting raid bosses and late game Dungeon elites, Summoner‘s single target dominance can‘t be matched. But they lack AOE and bring heavy party support requirements.

Warlord is the more versatile pick, offering solid damage across all situations thanks to AOE abilities and innate survivability. But they face limits when fighting top-end solo targets.

So choose based on your content focus and group capabilities! Both classes are viable for end game activities with the right builds and party compositions to enable their strengths.

Let me know if you have any other questions – happy hunting fellow gamers!

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