Is the AK-47 better than the AK117 in Call of Duty Mobile? The Ultimate 2023 Guide

As a hardcore Call of Duty Mobile gamer and content creator, one question I get asked constantly is whether the AK-47 surpasses the AK117 assault rifle. Both are incredibly popular picks that excel across core multiplayer and Battle Royale. In this deep-dive ultimate guide, we’ll compare every key stat and analyze exactly which reigns supreme in 2024.

Base Stats Comparison

First let’s scrutinize the AK47 vs AK117 base statistics without any additional gunsmith customization:

Fire Rate (RPM)4966

Analyzing these CODM weapon statistics tells us:

  • AK-47 has higher damage per shot and longer 4-shot kill range
  • AK117 has superior fire rate, accuracy/recoil control and mobility

This aligns with the guns’ combat roles – the AK47 as a hard-hitting sturdy rifle, while the AK117 specializes in nimble speed.

Time-To-Kill Comparison

Raw statistics only reveal part of the story. Understanding theoretical time-to-kill (TTK) better illustrates real in-game performance. Here‘s how these rifles compare landing all chest shots at varying distances:

RangeAK-47 TTKAK117 TTK
> 34m280ms408ms+

Up close, the AK-47 kills substantially faster due to its sheer per bullet damage. At longer ranges, it still maintains quick lethal TTK thanks to minimal dropoff. By contrast, the AK117‘s TTK increases considerably past 20 meters.

This gives the AK-47 major advantages winning longer distance gunfights. The AK117 does close the gap with extremely fast fire rate up close, but overall the AK47 appears superior statistically.

Recoil Control

However, stats alone don’t capture true viability. A key aspect is controlling recoil for consistent hits. Let’s analyze the AK47 and AK117 recoil patterns using recoil graphs.

Visually, the AK117 (blue) has a tighter recoil spread making it easier to control during full auto spray. The AK47 (orange) has stronger upwards kick, requiring mitigation from attachments and manual pull-down to stay on target.

This superior accuracy and forgiveness explains why most professionals recommend the AK117 for newer players. The AK47 has a higher skill ceiling to handle properly. Once mastered however, it becomes the faster killing powerhouse.

Best Gunsmith Loadouts

Another layer of comparison comes from customized Gunsmith loadouts. Experienced players tailor attachments to amplify weapons’ strengths or minimize weaknesses.

Here are top pro-recommended builds taking the AK47 and AK117 to the next level:

AK47 Loadout

This loadout improves AK47‘s vertical recoil for laser precision at all ranges. The Extended Barrel and Granulated Grip Tape further boost bullet velocity and BSA for securing distant kills. With the Large Extended Mag you can wipe entire teams before reloading.

AK117 Loadout

Built for mobility and CQC speed, this AK117 loadout cranks up fire rate and strafing with No Stock and Laser Tac. Sleight of Hand keeps you reloaded for endless aggression. Plus the Extended Mag keeps the bullets flowing even when surrounded.

As expected, attachments in skilled hands provide flexibility to adapt either rifle further towards recoil control or mobility. Once more, preference dictates ideal playstyle.

2023 Meta Changes

Analyzing statistics and attachments form the foundation. But the meta evolves every season as new balance changes arrive. Heading into 2023, here is the latest buff/nerf impacts:

AK47 Buffs

Patch notes from November 2022 improved the AK47 considerably, especially BSA and recoil control. This helped cement its status as the hardest hitting versatile rifle for standard and Battle Royale.

AK117 Nerfs

Sadly the AK117 took hits in a few areas. The extra ammo attachment saw a damage range nerf, limiting viability for long distance poke battles. Changes to the custom Long Shot perk also lowered viability.

Real World Performance

Now that we’ve broken down all the numbers, let’s reflect on practical experience:

Through dozens of hours testing over multiple seasons, when customized properly, both the AK47 and AK117 can compete with any gun. They each offer distinctive advantages that enable carry potential in the right hands.

However after recent balance changes, I have to give a slight edge to the AK47 as the current best overall assault rifle for most players. It provides versatility across ALL combat ranges which is invaluable. Meanwhile the AK117 rewards a specialized run-and-gun role.

Professional Opinions

Beyond my own impressions, let’s examine thoughts from prominent CODM pros and content creators:

BobbyPlays from Tribe Gaming when asked about the AK117 in 2024 commented:

“The AK117 is still definitely strong, but with the extra ammo nerfs and faster killing weapons like the Kilo 141 or M13 around, it has slipped behind in priority…”

However Aerith still believes its lightning fast mobility warrants consideration:

“Getting caught sprinting with the AK47 can mean certain death against MP5s or other quick firing SMGs up close. That‘s where the AK117 shines for aggressive flanking.”

Overall consensus among the competitive scene agrees that the AK47 gets the nod for its versatility, but the AK117 holds a situational niche in skilled hands.

Verdict: AK-47 Is Better Overall But AK117 Excels In Select Scenarios

Despite the AK117’s attributes like faster fire rate, after breaking down all the statistical and practical nuances, the AK47 reigns supreme across more combat conditions, distances and playstyles in Call of Duty Mobile. It offers superior damage per shot leading to blistering TTK, while remaining competitive in handling.

However, the AK117 retains merits under select applications. For highly aggressive run-and-gun roles where CQC speed and strafing is paramount, I would argue the AK117‘s blistering rate of fire and mobility makes it the preferential choice.

So in summary:

  • AK-47 – King of versatility to dominate at all ranges
  • AK117 – Situational mobility monster for close quarters shredding

Hopefully this guide gives you all the information needed to handle the age old AK47 vs AK117 decision for your personal playstyle! I welcome any feedback or questions in the comments section below. Let me know your weapon of choice after reading!

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