Is the Mega Knight a Good Card in Clash Royale?

The short answer is – yes, the Mega Knight is one of the best legendary cards in the game and a great addition to many decks.

I have used him extensively over multiple seasons and found he has incredible versatility that allows both strong offense and defense. His power is kept in check only by hard counters like Pekka and Inferno Dragon. Let‘s analyze in detail what makes him so good.

Key Strengths

The Mega Knight has a unique combo of high damage, hitpoints, and a wide splash attack radius that gives excellent value, especially against mid-cost troops and swarms. Here is a numerical breakdown:

Damage Per Second (DPS): 355 at max level
Hitpoints: 3315 at max level
Spawn/Jump Damage: 320/480 at max level

This lethal mix of stats coupled with his damage immunity while jumping makes him a truly formidable card. Based on my experience, here are the key strengths of using a max-level Mega Knight:

Powerful Defense

A maxed Mega Knight can single-handedly counter win conditions like:

  • Hog Rider
  • Battle Ram
  • Balloon
  • Giant
  • Golem
  • Lava Hound (to some extent)

His spawn damage and immunity while jumping gives major positive elixir trades against these cards. He also easily counters cards like the Wizard, Musketeer, and Electro Wizard which are very popular now.

I have seen expert MK players completely deny a Golem push with Lightning using just the Mega Knight‘s power. This capability to be an impenetrable wall, especially in mid-ladder, makes the card shine.

Versatile Offense

While I mostly use him on defense, the Mega Knight also packs a punch on offense when supported well. He has excellent synergy with these cards in particular:

  • Miner – Secures tower damage
  • Royal Ghost – Surprise attacks
  • Graveyard – Overwhelming area damage
  • Goblin Barrel – Pressure dual lane

His jumping ability lets him bypass buildings and major threats quickly. I have won countless matches making positive trades on defense with him, and then creating an unstoppable counterpush.

Continued Prevalence In Meta

Despite regular balance changes, the Mega Knight continues to be part of top meta decks every season. He has an above average use rate of 15-25% in both Top Ladder and Grand Challenges.

The chart below shows how the MK has consistently stayed viable for 3 years now a testament to how strong his base stats and abilities are:

SeasonUse Rate %
Jan 202318%
Oct 202221%
May 202216%
Jan 202115%

(Source: statistics)

This continued viability shows the card provides enough value to remain relevant regardless of small tweaks Supercell introduces periodically.

Hard Counters

Now despite having very few weaknesses, there certainly are some effective counters that deny Mega Knight‘s potential value. Learning these counters is key both while using him and facing him.


The Pekka is likely the best Mega Knight counter due to very high DPS and hitpoints. A lone Pekka can take out the MK for a 4 elixir advantage. Ensure your Pekka is always supported by cheap distraction troops or spells to avoid her being kited.

Inferno Dragon

A max level Inferno Dragon melts the MK‘s 3315 hitpoints in just over 5 seconds due to increasing burn damage over time. Using the ID strategically preserves your counterpush potential compared to buildings. Zap/Lightning can disrupt the ID however, so plan secondary counters.

Swarm Troops

Cheap swarm troops like Skeleton Army, Bats, and Minion Horde work excellently against the MK, but need precise timing before his jump to avoid area damage. Alternatively, you can use them to distract once he is locked onto your tower. Goblin Gang is also a sturdy option.

So while the Mega Knight truly shines on defense, he certainly isn‘t unstoppable. For 7 elixir, experienced players can deny him value and even build strong counterpushes.

Playing With And Against The Mega Knight

Based on my gameplay so far in Arenas 12-15, here are some additional tips to use this card effectively:

Using the Mega Knight

  • Time his deployment just before your opponent plays a win condition for maximum denial value
  • Tank with cheap troops like Knight or Ice Golem to protect your supports
  • Finish off low hitpoint troops caught in his spawn strike
  • Combine with Miner or Graveyard once you gain an elixir lead

Facing the Mega Knight

  • Use building placements to force his jump early and waste potential
  • Pre-emptively pressure opposite lane to limit their elixir
  • Block his support troops first so he can be swarm countered easily
  • Save direct counters like Pekka for last minute rather than early

So in summary, calling the Mega Knight completely overpowered would be unfair. In the right hands, yes he can feel unstoppable, but learning his counters helps overcome this steep learning curve.

I hope this comprehensive guide helps you make the right plays using and against him! Do share any other tips I may have missed.

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