Is There a Way to Connect PS4 to TV Without HDMI?

As a hardcore PS4 gamer, I know that playing the latest titles on a shiny new television is a magical experience. However, you may not have a TV with HDMI or have a broken HDMI port on your PS4. Either scenario can be devastating, making you think you need to rush out and replace hardware.

Well my friend, I have good news – you can connect your PS4 without HDMI! While HDMI is the gold standard, delivering pristine 4K visuals and audio, there are ways around it if necessary.

In this guide from one passionate gamer to another, I‘ll cover various methods for connecting your PS4 to a TV sans HDMI. We‘ll explore HDMI converters, using AV receivers, PS4 Remote Play, and even repairing damaged ports. Let‘s do this!

HDMI Converters – Translating Signals

The most straightforward route is getting an HDMI to AV converter. This handy device takes the digital signal from your PS4‘s HDMI port and transforms it into an analog signal your TV can display over composite, component, S-Video or other legacy connections.

According to statistics from Statista, as of 2022 89% of TV shipped were 4K HDMI-compatible. So there‘s still demand for non-HDMI solutions from gamers with older TVs.

Converter TypeVideo QualityAudio Quality
HDMI to CompositePoor, 480i maxStereo only
HDMI to ComponentGood, 1080i maxStereo or surround*

*Surround sound requires TV with RCA audio input

As you can see from the table, HDMI to component converters offer solid results. Be sure to choose a model specifically made for PS4 like the ViewHD or Gana. They‘ll deliver 1080i video adequate for most modern titles.

Make sure to have some RCA audio cables handy. You‘ll lose the digital benefits of HDMI audio, but can still get stereo or 5.1 analog surround to powered external speakers.

There will definitely be some video compression and loss of color accuracy/depth compared to native HDMI. But with a good scaler you can enjoy your games without buying a new TV.

My Tried & True Tips…

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