Optimize Your Inventory: A Guide to Item Storage in Elden Ring

As any Tarnished can tell you, inventory management is a crucial skill in FromSoftware‘s epic action RPG Elden Ring. The vast Lands Between offer no shortage of weapons, spells, crafting materials, and other tantalizing goodies to claim as your own. However, your personal inventory space is finite. Learning where and how to deposit these treasures for safekeeping is key to maximizing your haul.

Fortunately, I‘m here to break down the ins and outs of Elden Ring‘s storage options as an avid fan with 130+ hours invested across multiple playthroughs. By following these tips, you‘ll never again find yourself overencumbered and unable to run or roll properly in battle!

The Bread and Butter: Understanding Elden Ring‘s Sort Chest

The most straightforward and readily available storage is Elden Ring‘s Sort Chest system. Accessible from any Site of Grace after the tutorial area, the Sort Chest provides 300 item slots shared across Weapons, Armor, Crafting Materials, Consumables, Key Items, and Other categories.

Once your personal inventory fills up as you adventure, additional items automatically divert into the Sort Chest until space runs out. You can manually deposit or withdraw anything from the Sort Chest as needed. Just be mindful that all carried gear still counts against your weight limit for roll effectiveness!

As your arsenal expands, periodically reviewing the Sort Chest helps clean out obsolete weapons or manage crafting resources. Pro Tip: Store extra upgrade materials here so you can quickly max out newly acquired gear!

Risk vs. Reward: Stashing Your Stuff in Chests

Beyond the Sort Chest, stationary environmental chests scattered across the Lands Between offer additional, if riskier, storage real estate. Tuck whatever you want inside and note the location on your map for later retrieval. Unlike the Sort Chest though, worldly chests have no weight limits.

Still, don‘t get greedy! I once lost a legendary talisman by absentmindedly stashing it deep inside Stormveil Castle until hours later. By then, I had forgotten which nondescript room held my treasure. Moral of the story: Mark your map and use chests sparingly for excess crafting materials only.

Demon‘s Souls veterans will feel right at home with this system. However Elden Ring‘s sprawling open world poses much greater potential for confusion compared to legacy dungeons. Consider end-game areas like Farum Azula or Haligtree where all rooms start to blend together!

Commerce as Storage: Selling Your Wares to Merchants

While less efficient than storing, selling unused items to merchants can work in a pinch. Every merchant stocks a set supply of runes along with unique weapons, sorceries, incantations, recipes and more. They will also purchase your excess goods.

Patches,Nomadic Merchant, and Isolated Merchant offer the best initial stock of runes to buy you out. Meanwhile, the Nomadic Merchant buys at 115% value, enabling savvy players to sell high and buy low across different vendors.

Ideal sale fodder includes surplus crafting materials, arrows, perfume bottles, and low level consumables. I generally sell anything under C tier unless needed for a particular build. Check merchant inventories regularly too, as new items unlock through questlines.

If earning runes is the goal though, selling to NPCs pales in comparison to rune farming the bird at Mohgwyn Palace! But when overencumbered, offloading heavy Crafting Stones onto the Nomadic Merchant can save your hide.

Your Faithful Steed Torrent

Last but not least, your spectral steed Torrent can lend a hand (or hoof) by carrying Crafting Materials and Consumables to free up precious cargo room. Regrettably Torrent cannot hold Weapons, Armor, Keys, or Most Valuables. Still, don‘t underestimate the potential load reduction!

For example, 56 units of weighs 14 units when stored on Torrent, compared to 2.24 when pocketed. That adds up fast when gathering Herba, Root Resin, and Crystal Bud across the realms. Just watch Torrent‘s own encumbrance bar – when full, his stamina plummets.

As a fellow Tarnished, I hope you found these Elden Ring storage and inventory tips helpful. May you continue your quest to become Elden Lord unimpeded by pointless backtracking! Let me know your own storage successes and horror stories too. We all learn together.

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