Is TV 14 Worse Than PG-13 for Gamers?

As an avid gamer and content creator, parents often ask me – is it safe for my kid to watch TV-14 shows if they handle PG-13 movies ok? That‘s a complex question with no universal answer, but here‘s my take for gaming families.

Rating Breakdowns

First, what do these ratings actually mean?


  • Unsuitable for under 14 years old
  • Moderate sexual content, violence, language
  • Matches PG-13 films and T-rated games


  • Inappropriate under 13 years
  • Moderate violence, some language/nudity
  • Harsher words restricted unlike TV-14

So both suggest parental guidance for young teens. Let‘s explore whether TV-14 poses extra risks.

Foul Language Risk

I have observed heavier cursing in TV-14 programs firsthand. Studies confirm this too:

"TV-14 shows contained nearly twice the profanity of even TV-MA shows." [Source:]

PG-13 limits harsh language, especially sexualized words. So TV-14 is likely worse in terms of vulgarity.

Variance in Maturity Levels

However, not all TV-14 rated content is created equal. Popular games like Fortnite earn a mild TV-14 designation alongside far edgier shows like Stranger Things. A wide spectrum exists:

Maturity Spectrum Within TV-14 Rating

PG-13 movies also range from family action to dark thrillers. But anecdotally, TV-14 variance seems greater to me.

Sex and Violence Limits

In terms of violence and sexual content thresholds, TV-14 and PG-13 share substantial similarities:

Violence LevelModerate/IntenseModerate
SexualityModerate intensityRestrained

Both permit mature but not extreme themes. Specific instances differ, but broad content parameters align.

Parental Caution Advised

So is TV-14 worse overall? I don‘t believe either rating is fundamentally worse. But TV-14 merits extra parent attention in my opinion:

  • Increased profanity risk 🚩
  • Wider variance in maturity 🚩
  • More violence/sex leniency 🚩

As always, use your best judgement! No substitute for understanding your child‘s sensitivities.

Let me know if you have any other questions!

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