Is Uber Cheaper at Night in 2024? The Complete Guide

Uber and other rideshare services have become a preferred transportation option for millions of people across North America. The convenience of hailing a ride with just a tap makes getting around easier than ever.

But savvy users know that Uber leverages variable dynamic pricing based on supply and demand forces in each market. So is it actually cheaper to ride when there‘s less daylight?

In this comprehensive guide, we‘ll analyze Uber‘s pricing model during overnight and late night hours to help you unlock the best deals.

A Look at Uber‘s Ridership Statistics by Time of Day

First, let‘s examine some ridership statistics Uber has shared on when their platform gets the most use:

  • Weekday mornings from 7-9 AM see the biggest demand, with over 1 million Uber rides requested across the US.
  • Evenings have the second highest demand, with over 2 million rides per day requested between 4-7 PM after work hours.
  • Late nights see much lower demand in the 200-300k range per day across the US from 10pm onwards.
  • Weekends remain pretty steady between 1-2 million per day, with a slight bump Saturday evenings.

This ridership data shows that late nights indeed see lower overall demand across Uber‘s network. Next, we‘ll see how that impacts pricing.

Cheapest Times to Call an Uber

Since Uber bases pricing on demand, the times with the lowest volume of ride requests typically have the cheapest fares.

Here‘s a more detailed breakdown of the cheapest times to book an Uber ride:

  • Weekday mornings from 9-11 AM see lower prices as the early commuter rush dies down.
  • Weekday afternoons from 2-4 PM offer a lull between lunchtime rides and evening commutes.
  • Weeknights from 8 PM onward have the lowest rates as most riders stay home. Exceptions are Friday and Saturday nights which can still see surges.
  • Weekend mornings before 11 AM have mostly budget-friendly pricing with fewer people out.
  • Mid-day weekends from 2 PM to early evening provide another discount window before nightlife rides pick up.

This bears out across most major metro markets where Uber operates. The exact hours can shift a bit depending on common commuting patterns.

Times When Uber Prices Peak

Now let‘s examine when Uber rides will cost you the most:

  • Monday-Friday mornings from 6-10 AM sees prices surge due to high demand from commuters.
  • Monday-Thursday evenings from 4-7 PM hits peak pricing as people head home from work. Fridays are extended to 8 PM for happy hours.
  • Friday evenings after 8 PM have the highest weekend pricing as people head out to dinners, bars, and events.
  • Saturday nights from 8 PM onward rival Friday evenings for the highest weekend pricing.

Below is a chart summarizing the peak versus off-peak times across the days of the week:

DayPeak TimesOff-Peak Times
Monday-Thursday6-10 AM, 4-7 PM9 AM-2 PM, 8 PM-12 AM
Friday6-10 AM, 4-8 PM9 AM-2 PM, 9 PM-12 AM
Saturday8 PM-2 AM9 AM-8 PM
Sunday11 AM-9 PM12 AM-10 AM, 9 PM-12 AM

Why Uber Prices Fluctuate by Time of Day

Uber uses real-time adjustable pricing to balance supply and demand in markets. When lots of riders request trips at once, prices increase to get more drivers out on the roads. Here‘s a deep dive into the factors influencing the price you‘ll pay:

Driver Supply

  • When fewer drivers are active, prices surge to entice more drivers to sign on and meet demand. Late nights and early mornings often have fewer drivers without incentives.

Rider Demand

  • Prices directly correlate with the volume of trip requests in an area. Weekday commuting and weekend nights draw the most riders.

Base Fare

  • This minimum fee starts every trip. It ranges from $2-$8 based on the city. Higher base fares equal higher overall trip costs.

Per Minute/Mile Rates

  • The per minute and per mile rates also add up. These range from $0.13-$0.45/minute and $0.60-$2.75/mile depending on location.

Surge Pricing

  • The infamous surge multiplier kicks in during high demand. It can double, triple or even octuple base rates when rides are scarce.


  • Miscellaneous fees like booking and toll/airport fees add a few extra dollars per trip as well.

Saving Money on Late Night Uber Rides

Based on the pricing dynamics, these tips can help you save money on late night Uber rides:

  • Avoid Friday/Saturday nights if possible due to high weekend demand.
  • Schedule rides in advance for weekend nights since prices often surge.
  • Split trips with friends also heading out to cut costs through UberPOOL.
  • Check for promotions like discount codes which are more common late nights.
  • Walk a few blocks away from crowded bars and venues to request rides from a less busy area.
  • Take public transit for part of the trip to minimize Uber mileage.
  • Avoid airports which often carry extra fees, especially when traveling with luggage.

Does Pre-Booking Uber Rides Reduce the Price?

Uber recently introduced the ability to schedule rides up to 30 days in advance. However, pre-booking does not lock in lower fares or prevent surge pricing.

The quoted price at booking is only an estimate subject to change based on supply/demand at ride time. Surge multipliers can still be applied to pre-scheduled rides.

The value of scheduling ahead lies in reserving your spot versus competing for scarce drivers during peak hours. But expect to pay the going rate based on real-time market forces when your ride occurs.

The Bottom Line

While Uber prices fluctuate constantly, the cheapest fares are found during off-peak hours like late nights and early mornings on weekdays. To maximize savings, schedule weekend rides in advance, use promotions, split trips, and avoid crowds.

Above all, being flexible and booking during cheaper off-peak windows will help you spend less on your next Uber ride across town.

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