Is Walmart Owned by China? Surprising Facts on Ownership, Supply Chains and Expansion

Walmart‘s massive global footprint and extensive supply chain relationships with China have fueled speculation that the retail giant may be owned by Chinese interests. However, this claim does not hold up to scrutiny. While Walmart has a major presence in China, it remains an American-owned company controlled by the Walton family.

Walmart‘s Large and Growing Footprint in China

Walmart entered China in 1996 through a joint venture, opening one supercenter and Sam‘s Club in Shenzhen. Since then, it has experienced rapid growth:

  • Walmart now operates over 400 retail units across 180 Chinese cities, covering every province in mainland China.

  • 95% of merchandise sold in Walmart China stores is sourced locally within the country.

  • Walmart has integrated into China‘s e-commerce industry with 20 distribution centers facilitating delivery.

  • Walmart China‘s revenue has grown by over 70% in the past 5 years, reaching over $10 billion in 2021.

  • Walmart China employs over 100,000 associates, with 99.9% being Chinese nationals.

This level of expansion demonstrates Walmart‘s deep integration into the Chinese retail landscape. However, despite this growth, Walmart remains an American company.

Over 70% of Walmart Products Are Sourced or Produced in China

Given China‘s dominance as the "world‘s factory", it‘s not surprising that 70-80% of Walmart‘s suppliers are located in China. Walmart has cultivated relationships with over 7,000 Chinese suppliers in categories like consumer electronics, toys, apparel, and home furnishings.

However, for groceries sold in American stores, Walmart makes an effort to buy local. The chicken, beef, pork and produce sold is sourced domestically whenever possible.

Overall, Walmart relies heavily on Chinese manufacturing for many of its products. But this supplier network does not imply Chinese ownership over Walmart itself.

The Walton Family Maintains Majority Control over Walmart

Walmart was founded by Sam Walton in 1962 in Bentonville, Arkansas. The Walton family has maintained majority ownership ever since, with 50% of shares controlled through two entities:

  • Walton Enterprises LLC: A private company representing the family‘s interests

  • Walton Family Holdings Trust: Holds family‘s shares to balance ownership between family and non-family

Vanguard Group and other institutional investors own around 5% each, but no single external entity owns more than the Walton family.

The Walton family‘s ownership stake is currently valued at over $215 billion based on Walmart‘s market cap of $371 billion. This makes them one of the wealthiest families in the world.

Clearly, the Walton family remains firmly in control of Walmart‘s operations and strategy.

Motivations Behind the "Walmart Owned by China" Speculation

This baseless speculation likely arises from the following perceptions:

  • Walmart‘s sheer reliance on Chinese suppliers and manufacturing.
  • Misconception that having most products made in China means China has an ownership stake.
  • General xenophobic fears of China exerting control over major U.S. brands and retailers.

However, as the facts show, Walmart is still run from Bentonville, Arkansas by the Walton family. Its operations in China, while substantial, are simply part of the company‘s global expansion strategy.

Ultimately, the "owned by China" rumor does not hold up to evidence-based scrutiny.

Walmart Ownership and China Presence At a Glance

Founding locationBentonville, Arkansas
HeadquartersBentonville, Arkansas
Brand ownershipWalton family (50% stake)
Senior leadershipAmerican executives
Store count~5,000~400
Suppliers~20% from China~70% from China
Revenue$573 billion (2021)$10 billion (2021)


While Walmart has integrated extensively into the Chinese retail and manufacturing sectors, it remains an American corporation owned by the Walton family. Speculation of Chinese ownership is unfounded and ignores the facts around Walmart‘s supply chains and expansion strategies as a global retail giant. The available data shows that majority control rests firmly with Walmart‘s founding family.

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