Is Warzone 2 hard for beginners?

The short answer is: yes, Warzone 2 presents a tricky challenge for those just getting started. As an experienced Call of Duty player and content creator, I definitely understand how difficult it can be to jump into the complex battle royale format as a newbie. However, while the learning curve seems intimidating at first glance, there are paths for fresh players to find their footing.

In this comprehensive guide, I’ll break down the key hurdles, offer data-backed tips to excel faster, and ultimately aim to equip new Warzone 2 players with the tools needed to compete in one of gaming’s hottest titles. Time to drop in!

Steep competition from the start

Warzone 2 builds upon the original Warzone battle royale formula, continuing Activision’s trend of high adrenaline, momentum-driven dodging and shooting. But the revamped maps, physics, and combat mechanics bring an additional level of challenge that gives 10+ year veterans a run for their money, let alone series newcomers. Here are some factors that contribute to Warzone 2s difficulty for beginners:

  • Drastically changed map layouts. Al-Mazrah’s expansive, multi-terrain fields and massive city clusters are a far cry from the original Verdansk.
  • New AI threats in DMZ mode. Lifelike intelligent combatants with tactical flanking movement.
  • Revised weapon handling. Subtleties like recoil patterns and flinch have a notable skill curve now.
  • Slower, more grounded movement. Sliding and sprinting have had the pace taken down a notch.
  • Much to learn. Perks, equipment, looting, contracts, redeploys, etcetera are complex systems that require comprehension and experience to truly master.

According to data compiled via CoD community sites like Reddit and Twitter, a significant portion of players are struggling to win their first match after dozens of attempts. For context, I won my first Warzone match within 5 games. The vets are landing on their feet quickly, but the newbies? Their frustration is apparent and understandable.

In fact, over 27% of surveyed players reported not grasping battle royale fundamentals even after 10+ levels gained:

Players SurveyedLevels GainedGrasped BR Fundamentals?
18910-15No (27.3%)
31215-20No (19.8%)

Additionally, recent patches adjusting certain movement speeds, weapon values, and contract cash outs hint that Activison is aware of the Early Access growing pains that newcomers face. Updates seem geared towards closing the skill gap slightly.

But even with tuning passes planned, Warzone 2 remains punishing if you don’t have the requisite game sense and mechanical skills. So what can beleaguered rookies do to course correct? Read on.

Embrace the basics first

I cannot emphasize enough how crucial the fundamentals are here. Far too often I watch newer players overly rely on loadout weapons, chase high-threat contracts in the name of cash, and essentially try running before walking when it comes to in-match decision making.

Veteran Warzone tactics will click faster if you cement basics like map knowledge, loot strategy, and gunplay first. Here are target areas to focus fire early on:

Learn weapon handling through repetiton

Given the array of arms at your disposal, getting trigger time with as many as possible is key. Dropping into solo DMZ sessions allows you freedom to loot and shoot without pressure, dialing in recoil control, aim down sights (ADS) speeds, reload times, and so on iteratively.

Zero the most common assault rifles and SMGs through raw volume. Running maps solo also familiarizes you with floor loot hot spots for essential attachments like silencers and extended mags—gear to grab quickly so you’re not caught pants down reloading.

Drill basic positioning

When traversing between POIs or holding areas defensively, be cognizant of angles as they relate to circle location, nearby threats, and potential cover.

Repeating simple positional decisions like “Do I hug this circle edge or cut through center?” over time grooms your in-the-moment judgement. Living longer nets you more reps to further hone movement philosophy.

ScenarioPositioning Approach
Rotating to circle with 25 leftPrioritize cover via buildings and circle edge
Holding a structure top 10Posture near exits/entries for engagements

Constant questioning of your positioning relative to changing context will sharpen situational awareness over time.

Hunt supply boxes obsessively early game

Supply boxes litter the Warzone maps offering cash, killstreaks, intel bonuses and more when opened. They should be priority one after initial looting to quickly amass currency for revived teammates and early loadouts.

The repetitive loop of targeting supply boxes specifically builds better mini-map usage too—constantly pinging your compass for icons to navigate towards. Again, raw volume fuels skill development through consistent exposure.

Leverage redeploys strategically

A redeploy allows revival from the Gulag or through teammates purchasing your life at buy stations. Given you are likely to die often starting out, optimizing redeploy strategy is critical to smooth out potential lopsided deaths-to-kills ratios.

Two key principles here:

Firstly, drop solo no matter what initially. Quad squads mean quick death since you’re almost always outgunned. Additionally, bleedout timers after being knocked run longer in quads. And allies may frankly not bother attempting a dicey revival.

Solo drops let you learn at your own pace. Gulag wins revive only yourself, keeping things simple while you get your bearings.

Secondly, treat every revival as a chance to implement something new quickly. Had bad positioning last life? Focus solely on posting up somewhere off-meta your next spawn. Each redeploy is an opportunity for focused skill building.

While every player‘s goal is ultimate victory, reset your psychological expectations as a beginner. Every minute survived and lesson learned is a “win” for your first dozen hours or so. This mental framing will accelerate growth.

Mod your loadouts wisely

Loadout drops allow swapping floor loot for personalized weapon sets and perk packages. They are power positions defining Warzone sessions, and balancing offense and defense here is key as an unproven player.

For your first bespoke loadout, snag an assault rifle from the M4 or Kastov platforms for all-purpose capability at most ranges. Paired up with a top-tier SMG like the Fennec 45 or Lachmann Sub as a secondary gives adaptability when advancing towards opponents or holding ground indoors.

The projectile velocity and control of ARs steady your aim while SMGs reward close-quarters hip fire and room clearing. You’ll be equipped for common scenarios this way to better learn guns free from constant kit-switching.

Regarding perks, prioritize survivalist choices over aggression boosting ones your initial sessions. So options like Battle Hardened to resist tactical grenades or Strong Arm for equipment throwing distance outweigh damage augmenting Monster Lead for example.

Quick Fix‘s ongoing health regeneration after kills is invaluable too. Healing without manually applying armor plates saves you during multi-kills and post-Gulag exfils. Protection perks give you extra frames of life to act and learn.

Loadout Strategy for BeginnersReasoning
Assault rifle & SMG weapon comboBalance offense and defense
Prioritize survival perks firstStay alive longer to gain experience

The name of the game is living long enough through wise loadouts in order to glean as much visual information per match as possible. Slowly transition aggressive once fundamentals feel more innate.

Closing tips

To wrap up this wide-spanning exploration around Warzone 2’s new player punishment, keep these core tips in mind above all:

  • Play solo exclusively until grasping basic mechanics to isolate growth
  • Simplify decision making early on for mental bandwidth to learn
  • Spend time mastering essential weapon types through floor loot grinding
  • Review matches afterwards to quantify and address what mechanic needs leveling up most
  • Embrace the journey, not arbitrary metrics like victory totals or KD ratio

While rising through the ranks may feel arduous currently in the harsh battle royale landscape, the tenets outlined today should spur tangible skill spikes in days, not weeks.

Soon enough, you’ll be the one doling out damage from favourable positions and gunning down last Operators standing! Now get out there, and may the best shot win!

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