Should You Cure Zoe or Mia in Resident Evil 7? A Hard Choice Analyzed

As any passionate Resident Evil fan knows, RE7‘s ending presents players with a difficult dilemna – cure Zoe or Mia? Both women aided Ethan but only one serum exists to provide a cure. This choice leads to dramatically different story outcomes for the two characters. So which option should players pick?

As a long-time horror gaming fanatic who has analyzed every detail of RE7‘s plot and endings, I break down the implications around this pivotal decision below.

Overview of Zoe vs Mia Choice

First, some quick background. Ethan has formed bonds with both Mia, his wife, and Zoe Baker during his terrifying ordeal in the Baker mansion. Both were victims of the bio-weapon Eveline which infected the Baker family.

In the end, Ethan escapes with one dose of a serum that can save one of the women. The player must decide whether to:

  • Cure Mia – Leads to the "true" ending where both women survive
  • Cure Zoe – Results in Zoe‘s death and Ethan forced to battle a mutated Mia

Capcom designed this branching path to force players into an ethical dilemma with no perfect outcome. And for many fans, the tension around "correct" choice makes this the most memorable moment of RE7.

Why Fans Feel Saving Mia is "Correct"

The canon option presented by the game is to cure Mia. This saves both women – Mia survives the infection and assists Ethan in escaping later, while Zoe‘s story continues in the End of Zoe DLC. She lives on despite appearing to die before Ethan‘s escape.

As such, most players feel curing Mia is the "right" path. It achieves the optimal story result within the confines of RE7‘s plot, while also matching Capcom‘s intended canonical ending.

But some debate still lingers…

The Case for Curing Zoe Baker

A portion of the Resident Evil community passionately argues that Zoe deserves saving more than Mia. While not the canonical option, these players present some fair ethical points:

  • Zoe was captive longer – She resisted Eveline‘s control for over 3 years while helping Ethan
  • Mia hid her identity – She lied about her job and connection to Eveline‘s release
  • Ethan owes Zoe – She protected Ethan at personal risk and cost

Indeed, if judging solely based on moral obligation, Zoe could be considered more deserving of the cure. But the actual outcome of saving her is rather grim…

Consequences of Curing Zoe Over Mia

As discussed above, while Zoe may seem to deserve salvation after her ordeal, the game harshly punishes players for this choice. If Zoe is cured rather than Mia:

  • Zoe dies anyway – Eveline murders her not long after
  • Ethan forced to kill Mia – She mutates and attacks Ethan on the boat
  • Only Ethan survives – The "bad" ending

So while some argue saving Zoe is ethically correct based on her suffering and aid to Ethan, the story outcome is quite merciless. Zoe meets a quick demise regardless, and Mia turns homicidal forcing Ethan to kill her.

This shockingly dark turn of events shows Capcom designed the choice to punish players for defying the intended canon. And the emotional trauma of this ending helps explain why most fans begrudgingly accept that Mia should be cured to keep both women alive.

Should You Feel Guilty About Letting Zoe Die?

As shown above, players who opt to save Mia even while feeling Zoe deserves it more are forced to essentially sacrifice her – she suffers a gruesome death at Eveline‘s hands shortly after Ethan abandons her. This shockingly bleak turn understandably left many fans feeling guilty.

But it‘s important to remember that Zoe‘s tale lives on in the End of Zoe DLC – she returns seemingly against all odds to defeat the dangerous Joe Baker. She even thanks Ethan for saving Mia.

So while Zoe‘s sudden termination if cured may haunt players, her story does gain appropriate closure in the DLC. Saving Mia can be logically justified even if it initially leaves a sinking feeling that Zoe was abandoned unfairly.

Conclusion – Save Mia for the True Happy Ending

After closely analyzing all perspectives around RE7‘s climatic choice, I firmly endorse curing Mia as the best option. Though not without ethical quandries, saving Mia delivers the canonical "true" ending where both women survive the horror of the Baker incident.

I won‘t deny part of me feels Zoe deserves salvation more. But her shocking fate if chosen forces players to accept that within RE7‘s confines, Mia must be saved to prevent the deaths of both women and achieve the brightest outcome possible in this nightmare.

So while the choice may haunt some players, have solace knowing Zoe gets her due in the End of Zoe DLC. Saving Mia preserves both of their lives and prevents further tragedy in this terrifying saga.

Let me know your thoughts on RE7‘s ending dilemma! I welcome lively debates around the ethics and outcomes in the comments below. And stay tuned to my blog for more in-depth discussion around major new gaming releases!

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