Should I finish main story before Wrath of the Druids?

I‘m often asked by fellow gamers if they need to complete Assassin‘s Creed Valhalla‘s main story arc before diving into the Wrath of the Druids DLC. The short answer is no, you do not need to see the base game‘s storyline through to access Ireland. However, within just a few hours of gameplay, you should reach the recommended power level to comfortably take on this new content.

Step 1: Reach Power Level 55 for Wrath of the Druids

Ubisoft suggests being at least power level 55 before sailing west towards Ireland. The good news is you likely hit this benchmark not long after initially arriving in England and completing the opening arcs in either Grantebridge or Ledecestre.

Wrath of the Druids features challenges suited for a mid-level Eivor – the enemies and quests will scale to match your current power level. But entering Ireland under-leveled makes the DLC more frustrating than fun. Trust me, it‘s better to meet the suggested 55 power minimum so you don‘t get one-hit killed by a deadly druid!

Step 2: Beef Up Eivor‘s Abilities and Gear

While not essential, I personally recommend progressing a decent way into England‘s alliance map before taking a jaunt over to Ireland. Clearing more shires boosts your power level while also unlocking additional skill points. These can be used to flesh out Eivor‘s combat abilities like missile reversal or brush with death.

The further you advance Valhalla‘s main story, the more gear options also become available. I‘m talking elite weapon and armor sets like the Brigandine, Huntsman, Magister, and Thegn outfits. These provide major stat boosts and unique enhancement bonuses that will prove extremely helpful as you face Ireland‘s new enemies and challenges.

A Fresh New Playground Rich with Lore and Legends

Assassin‘s Creed has always excelled at recreating historical settings, and Ireland is no exception. Trading the beautiful rolling hills of England for the emerald green pastures and craggy coasts of the Emerald Isle makes for an eye-catching change of scenery. You‘ll traverse huge open fields dotted with mysterious stone circles, haunted forest groves, and small countryside villages.

The backdrops aren‘t the only new additions. Ireland‘s fauna involves facing wild wolves and boars, along with the occasional angry brown bear! The NPC characters also bring local legends to life, like the children of Lir transformed into swans. But the highlight has to be the druids themselves, who present an intriguing new enemy faction.

Spooky New Threats: The Druids and Children of Danu

Instead of bandits, soldiers, and members of the Order, Wrath of the Druids pits Eivor against the mysterious Children of Danu. They are a cult of druids whose members wear haunting masks carved from wood and bone that conceal their faces. These make for appropriately creepy adversaries as you uncover their motivations and search for their elusive leader.

The druids have a neat blend of magical and physical attacks. Many wield staffs that unleash blasts of elemental energy, while others use sickles and knives for close quarters combat. There are also lumbering stone juggernauts covered head-to-toe in Celtic symbols and brushed in blue woad paint.

Special care has clearly been taken to give the Children of Danu a distinct style that sets them apart from anything seen previously. It keeps the DLC content feeling fresh!

Does Wrath of the Druids Link to the Main Story?

A common question is whether Wrath of the Druids directly ties into Valhalla‘s core narrative? The answer is…not really. Aside from sporadic references to King Styrbjorn‘s Ragnarsson bloodline, Ireland is very much a standalone adventure. There are no major repercussions stemming from the DLC‘s events that impact the base game‘s ending.

You play as a slightly past version of Eivor who departs for Ireland in 877 AD, roughly a year after initially arriving in England. The goal is aiding High King Flann Sinna as he attempts to unite the fractured Emerald Isle. It serves as a pleasant change of pace from the main story‘s alliance map without feeling restrained by it.

Romancing the Mysterious Ciara

Eivor‘s relationship with Randvi back in England may be complicated, but that doesn‘t prevent the chance for an Irish romance! Players can flirt with and eventually bed the charming yet eccentric Ciara. She replaces Petra as your settlement‘s blacksmith in Ravensthorpe after returning from Ireland.

Without venturing into spoilers, Ciara becomes embroiled in Wrath of the Druids‘ main conflict. This provides plenty of opportunities for intimate conversations where dialogue choices determine if you become lovers or just friends. I recommend saving anytime a heart icon appears to retry different responses if you covet this evasive lady‘s affection!

Choices Matter Less Than in Other DLCs

Previous DLCs for Valhalla emphasized important decisions that branched the narrative. For example, sparing or killing a certain NPC in Siege of Paris creates a very different climax. However, choice plays a more subdued role throughout much of Wrath of the Druids.

There are still moments where dialogue options affect your rapport with characters like Ciara. But most decisions around how to handle quest objectives or deal with antagonists have little lasting impact.

I see this as a positive though, as it avoids locking players into choices they later regret. You also can‘t influence the fates of certain key figures even through brutal actions.

Multiple Endings Depend on Ciara‘s Fate

Without treading into spoilers, players do make one pivotal late-game decision involving Ciara that alters the conclusion reached.

  • Spare Ciara, and she goes on to live happily in England, even potentially as Eivor‘s romantic partner.

  • Kill Ciara, and her death also extinguishes any druidic magical abilities she passes to Eivor.

So while the main story remains largely the same regardless of choice, that major Ciara branching point exists. Overall it‘s less impactful than Siege‘s different endings but still meaningful.

Playtime and Power Levels

ContentAvg. PlaytimeRecommended Power
AC Valhalla Main Story55 hours340
Wrath of the Druids DLC15 hours55
Siege of Paris DLC15 hours200
Dawn of Ragnarök DLC25 hours340

As you can see from the table above, Wrath of the Druids should keep you happily occupied for around 15 hours if focusing mainly on the critical path. That playtime extends towards 25 hours for completionists aiming to 100% the DLC.

Either way, Wrath of the Druids offers a meaty addition to the base game. The varied landscapes, fresh enemies in the Children of Danu, and Ciara romance opportunities check enough boxes for me to endorse Ireland as a must-visit destination for all AC fans!

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