Should I Get Arma 3 or Squad in 2024?

As an avid gamer and content creator focused on realistic military shooters, I get asked this question a lot. So let‘s dive into a detailed comparison of Arma 3 vs Squad to help you decide which one is right for you.

At a Glance

Arma 3Squad
Release Year20132015
DeveloperBohemia InteractiveOffworld Industries
SettingFictional futurescapeContemporary Middle East
Player CountUp to 100Up to 100
GameplayCombined arms sandboxHardcore tactical FPS

As you can see, while both games provide large-scale conflict, Arma 3 is more of an open-ended sandbox while Squad focuses on coordinated objective-based gameplay.

Now let‘s explore how they differ across some key factors:

Gameplay and Learning

Arma 3 delivers a mammoth, open-world sandbox full of diverse weapons, vehicles, and possibilities across ground, air, and sea. You have the freedom to play however you want across the sprawling terrain. This freedom comes with a cost however – Arma has extensive controls and systems to master. You may fumble through your first hours before things click.

Squad offers well-designed maps catered for 50v50 warfare focused on taking strategic objectives. Maps feel big while keeping the action tight; you‘ll always have a battle nearby. Gameplay is more intuitive for newer players thanks to streamlined weapon handling, movement, and interfaces. You can contribute sooner even if you‘re still mastering tactical play.

  • Arma 3 offers endless possibilities but expects you to handle complex simulations
  • Squad serves up quick action with fewer systems to manage

Core Gameplay Modes

As a platform for emergent gameplay, Arma shines brightest through its vibrant modding community. Popular mods like King of the Hill or Wasteland throw you into massive PvP battles with hundreds of simultaneous combatants. Other mods transform the experience completely into survival games, roleplaying servers inspired by RPGs, cooperative PvE scenarios, and more.

Squad focuses its gameplay through well-balanced Conquest battles that pit 50 players per team against each other to seize capture points across expansive maps. Instead of relying on mods, the developers continually expand core content and gameplay with new maps, assets like vehicles and weapons, and quality of life updates.

  • Arma 3 leans on mods to expand well beyond vanilla gameplay
  • Squad stays focused on improving its core Conquest mode

Content Variety

With 7 years of post-launch support under its belt, Arma 3 has amassed a vast pool of content. The vanilla game offers a diverse selection of weapons and modern military vehicles to take into battle. Combined with thousands of player-made mods and community content packs, the number of authentic assets at your disposal is staggering. Want to paradrop behind enemy lines in Vietnam? Battle mechs on a halo ring? Dogfight WWII warbirds? With Arma 3, you can.

While smaller in pure volume, Squad‘s assets are carefully curated to create balanced combined arms warfare. Maps alternate wide open spaces for vehicle operations with dense urban areas for tight infantry fights. Weapons, aircraft, transports, and armor fill specialized battlefield roles. Unconventional forces get new asymmetric capabilities to counter hi-tech kits. Content expands at a steady clip through free post-release updates.

  • Arma 3‘s endless assets support wildly diverse war fantasies
  • Squad focuses content design on balanced warfare

Graphics Fidelity & Performance

Now 9 years since launch, Arma 3‘s terrain and models can look dated in raw visual quality compared to more modern shooters. The game leverages clever rendering tricks to maintain its benchmark-pushing draw distances though. Combined with realistically-scaled maps, the sensation of sweeping battlespaces endures. Play smart by targeting 60 FPS over max graphics for smoother gameplay.

Launched in 2015 on Unreal Engine 4, Squad squeezes impressive visuals out of its optimized maps. Cleaner models, rich animations, vivid weather, and realistic effects make for an attractive battlefield. Lean into Squad‘s graphics but don‘t expect butter smooth FPS when the action gets heavy. Prioritizing a sharp framerate, 60 FPS should be feasible on decent gaming rigs.

  • Dated graphics but incredible view distances with Arma 3
  • Squad visuals shine but get busy with 50v50 combat

Realism Factor

As a hardcore military sim, Arma 3 strives for maximum authenticity across ballistics, weapon handling, destructibility, sensor modeling, radio protocols and beyond. While opaque for newcomers, once Arma‘s intricacies click immersion hits new heights. Whether plotting long-range artillery barrages or managing lifelike injury systems, Arma‘s granular detail rewards. Just be ready to dig into difficulty settings and controls before it clicks.

While more gamey than a true simulator, Squad increases engagement range and lethality compared to rival shooters for a more realistic combat flow. Communicating and coordinating fire and movement as a squad is crucial to victory. Limited HUD elements, the need to stabilize weapons before precision fire, and momentum-based movement up authenticity. Mil-sim fans may find some abstractions still like increased stamina.

  • Arma 3 aspires to simulate modern warfare with unmatched depth
  • Squad opts for authentic yet accessible military shooter

Learning Community

As a complex platform woven over a decade, Arma assumes players will self-teach through its hundreds of controls, interfaces, and mechanics. While documentation helps, Arma‘s community creates incredible resources so you don‘t have to. From ShackTac‘s field manuals detailing tactics, to Bombers Bar‘s flight school for pilots, to the enthusiastic r/arma subreddit – scour these external sources early.

Squad strike a friendlier balance, easing new players into combat while retaining enough depth that mastery comes through practice. The in-game shooting range lets you trial weapons and vehicles without judgement while straightforward in-game comms encourage teamplay. The community remains passionate and invested in Squad‘s ongoing development years later. Ask questions – Squaddies love to help.

  • Arma relies on its community to fill knowledge gaps
  • Squad builds proficiency through accessible design

Longevity & Post-Launch Support

10 years since launch, Arma 3 defies convention as a live service game before the model became popularized. Bohemia funds ongoing development exclusively through direct sales nourished by discounts and Steam sales. 2023 will bring the final content update and switch to maintenance mode in 2025. Even then, community creators will propel Arma 3 forward with mods and maps for years to come thanks to extensive scripting support and open asset packs.

Squad exemplifies the potential of "games as a service" done right. Maintaining a strategic roadmap shaped by community feedback, Offworld Industries continues evolving Squad well beyond launch. Night maps, new British forces, helicopters, reconnaissance vehicles, quality of life improvements, optimization – all added and expanded post-release, sustainably funded through new sales and word of mouth. Expect ongoing support rivaling top service games.

  • Arma 3 winds down official content but should live on through mods
  • Squad grows in exciting ways thanks to it‘s service model

Key Considerations

  • Playstyle Preference: Arma 3 if you enjoy exploring massive open worlds and emergent gameplay. Squad for polished combined arms tactical FPS gameplay.
  • Commitment Factor: Arma 3 to dive deep into a complex platform full of possibilities. Squad for streamlined modern combat with friends.
  • Content Interest: Arma 3 for near-endless military fantasies via community content. Squad to focus on modern battlefield experiences.
  • Personal Factors: Arma 3 for solo play or finding a like-minded clan. Squad if you have friends to squad up with.
  • Accessibility vs. Realism: Arma 3 if you want peak authenticity through complexity. Squad for an authentic experience balanced with accessibility.

The Verdict?

While both Arma 3 and Squad scratch that modern combined arms warfare itch, they appeal to different interests.

Get Arma 3 in 2024 if you crave immense open worlds to wage war within, highly authentic military simulation, and nearly endless content thanks to its vibrant modding community.

Get Squad in 2024 if you want a polished, visually-rich tactical military shooter focused on 50v50 pitched battles requiring tight teamwork. Authentic enough to feel like real modern combat while avoiding opaque complexity.

Let me know if you have any other questions in the comments below! I‘m happy to share more insights from my 850 hours between both games.

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