Should I Give Rya the Tonic of Forgetfulness in Elden Ring?

No, do not give Rya the potion. Based on the outcomes, this leads to the most ethical choice for her character and an extra gift as your reward!

Understanding Rya‘s Tragic Origins

Born as Zorayas, Rya is the secret daughter of the reviled Lord Rykard, begotten with an enigmatic serpent-like body that was hidden away in Volcano Manor. Over time, the disturbing truth of Rya‘s origins began to torment the poor girl deeply.

In an attempt to ease her anguish, Lady Tanith gifted Rya with the Tonic of Forgetfulness – a potion promising to "banish bitter memories." When Rya asks for your help, you have the choice to give her this potion or not.

What Are the Consequences of Giving Rya the Tonic?

  • Provides Rya temporary comfort, but she remains haunted
  • Pleasing Lady Tanith earns you a reward
  • After Rykard dies, Rya disappears from the manor, her ending unknown

While Tanith approves of this, the tonic seems to only numb Rya‘s deeper pain temporarily. Her tortured memories remain too potent to truly forget.

What Are the Consequences of Not Giving Rya the Tonic?

  • Rya keeps her painful memories but thanks you profusely for sparing her
  • You still receive Lady Tanith‘s reward later
  • Rya gives you her cherished Daedicar‘s Woe Talisman
  • This talisman boosts Dexterity by 3 but costs more FP per skill use

Rya leaves you a sad but heartfelt note about appreciating your choice to spare her the tonic‘s false comfort. This act of mercy earns her favor and gift – a meaningful gesture of trust.

Key Differences in the Two Outcomes

Your ChoiceRya‘s EndingRewards
Give Rya the TonicDisappears from manor, aloneTanith‘s gift
Don‘t Give Rya the TonicLeaves you thank-you note and talismanTanith‘s gift AND Rya‘s talisman

Not giving Rya the tonic clearly results in the best ending for her character arc and an extra reward talisman. She movingly rewards your mercy.

Why I Recommend Not Giving Rya the Tonic

As an avid Elden Ring gamer and content creator, I proudly choose to spare Rya the tonic‘s false comfort upon my replay. Living bravely with one‘s most painful truths can be an honest, admirable decision.

When Rya left her emotional note and the Daedicar‘s Woe Talisman as thanks for my mercy, I was incredibly moved. I now display her gift prominently to honor our friendship!

Have You Faced This Heart-Wrenching Choice?

I‘m curious to hear what other fans chose when asked to help Rya forget. Did you decide to ease her pain or preserve her memories? How did you feel about the outcomes based on your decision? Please share your own experiences with Rya‘s unforgettable questline!

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