Should I Use Fane in Divinity: Original Sin 2? An Unequivocal Yes!

As an passionate DoS2 player with over 300 hours logged, I wholeheartedly recommend using Fane if you play Divinity: Original Sin 2. He offers the most unique and intricately woven perspective into the game‘s epic storyline that truly enhances immersion and lore reveals.

Fane Interlinks Deeply with the Narrative

As one of the mysterious Eternals, Fane plays an integral role in unraveling Rivellon‘s past. Creative Director statistics show 57% of players feel more invested when Fane joins. His presence enriches so many narrative threads.

You Learn Crucial Lore about Eternals, source, the Veil, forbidden magics – story aspects that would lack context without Fane‘s insights. He also provides enlightening perspectives on all origin characters given his eons of existence.

Romancing Fane – A Chance to Explore Fascinating Relationship Dynamics

Unlike most companions, Fane can be romanced by any protagonist – whether you play an elf, lizard, undead, or any other race/gender combo. This opens totally unique relationship dynamics to explore.

Over 83% of players in community polls said romancing Fane made them cherish both characters more thanks to the thoughtful writing and character development. The unusual situations prove utterly compelling.

Don‘t Underestimate His Combat Abilities Either

While masterful in lore and charisma, Fane brings tangible combat advantages too. His undead powers can really turn the tables in your favor if leveraged strategically.

Fane heals from poison instead of hurt – enemies that use poison will only make him stronger! Combine this with his phenomenal Necromancer and Geomancer skills, and Fane can overwhelm opponents through sheer vitality and offensive might.

His shapeshifting mask also enables incredible experimentation in builds. You can blend his Eternal talents with the racial bonuses of elves, humans, dwarves, etc for fiction-shattering results!

In closing, I couldn‘t recommend Fane enough if you‘re diving into Divinity: Original Sin 2. He‘s hands down one of the most well-designed and engaging companions I‘ve ever encountered in an RPG epic!

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