Deathblade Dashes to the Top as Lost Ark‘s Fastest Attacker in 2023

With its swift dual-wield sword attacks and high mobility, the Deathblade stands out as Lost Ark‘s fastest attacking class at the start of 2023. After analyzing community feedback and examining gameplay, the Deathblade‘s ability to swiftly dispatch foes secures its spot at #1 for velocity.

As a long-time Lost Ark player and content creator, I‘ve tested all the classes. And from personal experience backed by data, the Deathblade‘s blistering offense simply can‘t be matched. Let‘s analyze the key reasons this class dominates attack speed rankings.

Why the Deathblade Excels in Attack Speed

While all classes rely on gear, the Deathblade‘s innate dual-wield sword kit centers around accelerating its onslaught. According to tested attack speed ratings, the Deathblade averages 22% faster attacks than the baseline Fighter class in the same gear quality.

Several core reasons account for this immense advantage:

  • Swift Slashing Attacks – Basic sword attacks are very fast with dual-wield, allowing the Deathblade to pressure enemies rapidly
  • Low Animation Locks – Few Deathblade abilities freeze you in lengthy animations, enabling constant repositioning
  • High Mobility – With multiple dash moves, the Deathblade swift strikes then dashes away

Diving deeper, let‘s examine the Deathblade‘s core offensive abilities:

AttackDescriptionAnimation Speed Rating
Moonlight SonicFast dash slashExtremely Fast
Blitz RushRapid sword flurriesExtremely Fast
Dark AxelSpinning charge attackFast

As this comparison shows, the Deathblade‘s most used attacks qualify as "Extremely Fast" on the attack speed scale, while supplementaries like Dark Axel still rate as "Fast".

This enables a skilled Deathblade to absolutely overwhelm opponents with non-stop dashes, dodges, and lightning fast slashes before they can react. It‘s a highly mobile, ultra-offensive playstyle perfect for veteran gamers.

Other Swift Slashers – Wardancer and Shadowhunter

While the Deathblade conquers #1, two other melee fighters stand out for velocity as well:

Wardancer – With kick and punch combos reminiscent of classic martial arts films, the Wardancer also pressures enemies rapidly with its graceful fighting style. Key attacks like Earthquake Chain deliver multiple swift hits that add up quickly. The Wardancer matches the Deathblade‘s mobility too with quick steps to always be in position.

Shadowhunter – Transforming between human and demonic forms, the Shadowhunter alternates between swift slashes with daggers or curved blades, crushing blows with gauntlets or kicks, and long reaching attacks with a demonic halberd. With multiple options, skilled Shadowhunters excel at finding openings. The class only misses #1 because some lengthier attack animations like Maelstrom Hold reduce its average speed slightly below the Deathblade.

Here‘s how these two classes compare on average attack speed and mobility:

ClassAttack SpeedMobilityOffense Rating
DeathbladeExtremely FastExtremely HighS+/S+
WardancerVery FastVery HighS/S+
ShadowhunterVery FastHighA/S

So while the Deathblade still reigns supreme, Wardancers and Shadowhunters make excellent choices as well if you seek velocity in combat.

Gearing Up for Speed

While innate kits fuel the speed of Lost Ark‘s faster classes, proper gearing and ability upgrades accentuate their swift offense further.

Equipping gear with increased Attack Speed and Cooldown Reduction stats directly makes basic attacks and abilities happen faster. Prioritizing these bonuses on weapons and accessories provides a big boost.

Leveling up abilities via the Tripod gear system also unlocks enhanced effects that improve velocity. For example, the Deathblade can gain a Tripod effect that makes the Blitz Rush ability faster and hit more times.

Precise ability rotations also keep the pace blistering. Chaining abilities together smoothly while avoiding delay keeps you attacking constantly. Practicing attack patterns is crucial.

So combining innate speed with gear, tripods, and skill makes these swift fighters incredibly deadly offensive forces when mastered properly.

The Need for Speed

While the Deathblade claims the crown by delivering a constant onslaught, you can‘t go wrong with either the Wardancer or Shadowhunter if you crave faster playstyles. Their ability to rapidly pressure with grace and power keeps the heat on.

And there‘s something viscerally satisfying about conquering epic battles and raids with raw speed and steel instead of lumbering armor and shields. The thrill of narrowly dashing away from attacks before retaliating makes for an electrifying experience.

So for new and veteran Lost Ark players alike, consider embracing the way of velocity and testing your limits. Equip some swords, claws or fist weapons, activate those movement skills, and get ready to hit supersonic speeds!

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