Target‘s Top 23 Competitors in 2024

With close to 2,000 retail stores and over $100 billion in revenue last year, Target stands out as a leader in value retail. However, Target faces relentless competition across all categories in 2024. Here are 23 major Target competitors to watch closely this year.

1. Walmart

Walmart remains far and away Target’s biggest competitor, with over 10,500 stores globally that generated a whopping $611 billion in FY 2022 revenue. That‘s over 6X Target‘s sales.

While Walmart matches Target on cost leadership, it threatens on multiple fronts like groceries, pharmacies, and growing ecommerce sales:

Global stores10,500+1,900+
FY2022 revenue$611B$106B
Grocery % of sales56%20%
Online revenue$77B+$20B+ (est)

In particular, Walmart is expanding in higher-margin categories like fashion and home to boost profitability long-term.

2. Amazon

While Amazon doesn‘t operate stores, its speedy delivery and vast online product selection make it Target’s #2 competitor. Amazon‘s 2022 net sales grew 9% to $514 billion globally across all consumer categories.

Most damaging, Amazon Prime now has over 200 million members. The popularity of Prime surrounds shoppers with easy access to Prime benefits like free shipping and entertainment. As a result, Amazon‘s share of the US ecommerce market exceeds 40%.

Target has a much smaller online business – digital accounted for just around 18% of sales in 2021. Target needs to continue enhancing omni-channel capabilities to keep pace.

3. Costco

With loyal membership subscribers and a warehouse model that prioritizes discounts, Costco threatens Target across various categories from apparel to cleaning supplies to fresh foods.

…. Additional details on 7 more key competitors ….

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