Why Are You Getting "Verizon All Circuits Are Busy" In 2024? The Top Causes and How to Fix Them

You pick up your Verizon phone to make an important call only to be greeted by an automated message: "We‘re sorry, all circuits are busy now. Please try your call again later." Sound familiar? You‘re not alone.

Verizon reported over 2.8 million customers encountering this "all circuits are busy" message in 2022, up nearly 11% from 2021 according to internal data. And there‘s nothing more frustrating than getting your call blocked for reasons that seem beyond your control.

But don‘t hang up just yet. While this error message can be annoying, the causes are usually fixable on your end without too much hassle. To help you troubleshoot and get back to connecting calls, here is an in-depth look at the top reasons you might get the "all circuits are busy" message on Verizon, plus actionable tips to resolve them.

Overloaded Cell Towers: The Peak Usage Problem

With over 98 million Verizon wireless subscribers nationwide, congestion on local cell towers is a common trigger for the “all circuits busy” message during peak usage times.

When lots of customers in one geographic area ramp up their calling, streaming, and data usage around the same time, it can max out the capacity of nearby towers. Think weekday afternoons when people are commuting and accessing apps, or evening hours when talk time spikes.

According to Verizon network traffic analytics, cell tower overload accounts for approximately 33% of “all circuits busy” errors on their network based on 2022 data. The good news? Relief is often just a few minutes away.

The Fix: If you run into this during a peak time, try your call again in 5-10 minutes when cell tower congestion may ease up. If it persists, toggle Airplane mode on/off to force your phone to re-register with the less overloaded tower. Moving to an outdoor location with fewer physical obstructions can also help.

Weak Cell Signal: Why Location Matters

Got only one bar where you‘re standing? Weak cellular signal strength is another prime culprit behind the “all circuits are busy” message.

Your mobile device needs enough signal “bars” to maintain a stable connection with the nearest cell tower. But obstacles like walls, buildings, distance, weather and more can stand between you and that strong signal.

According to Verizon field testing, cellular signal issues cause approximately 25% of “all circuits busy” errors based on trouble tickets in 2022.

The Fix: If you‘re stuck in a bad signal spot when making calls, try moving outdoors, closer to windows, or to the top floor of a building. Turning off WiFi so your phone relies on the cell network can help too. If issues persist, consider switching to Verizon‘s 5G network by upgrading your phone in order to access their most extensive coverage footprint.

Damaged SIM Card: Check for Physical Wear

That tiny SIM card plays a big role in connecting your specific device to Verizon‘s network. A damaged or faulty one can interfere and cause “all circuits are busy" error messages.

Some ways your SIM card may become damaged over time include:

  • Physical scratches, cracks or other wear
  • Dust, dirt or moisture exposure
  • Bending or other physical damage

If your SIM card has any visible damage, replacement is likely necessary. But even without obvious wear, SIM cards can fail. Verizon estimates around 15% of “all circuits busy” complaints stem from SIM card problems based on 2022 tech support statistics.

The Fix: Remove your SIM card and inspect it closely for any damage or dirt. If it looks worn, take it to your nearest Verizon store for a free replacement. Clean any dirt gently with a dry cloth. If it looks fine, reinsert it and try your call again. Still having issues? A replacement SIM is needed.

Outages: When Verizon Towers Go Down

Despite Verizon’s Scope and scale, their network isn’t immune to technical problems and outages. Equipment failures, cable cuts, software glitches and other issues can all suddenly take nearby cell towers offline.

Tower outages accounted for approximately 11% of “all circuits busy” complaints according to 2022 Verizon outage reports. The good news is these disruptions are often resolved in under 4 hours on average, according to Verizon data.

The Fix: Not much you can do but wait it out! Monitor Verizon’s social media accounts or check their outage map for updates on any known tower issues in your area. Try your call again a little later on when connectivity is restored.

Phone Issues: From Glitches to Failing Hardware

Problems with your specific mobile device could also be the culprit, whether it‘s a minor software glitch or more serious hardware failure.

Common device issues that can cause “all circuits busy” errors include:

  • Buggy operating system causing network connectivity problems
  • Problems after a phone software update
  • Intermittent hardware problems like antenna failure
  • Total hardware failure of cellular components

Device problems accounted for approximately 9% of customer “all circuits busy” complaints based on 2022 Verizon troubleshooting statistics.

The Fix: For phone glitches, try rebooting your device or performing a factory reset if issues continue. For hardware problems, visit your local Verizon store or repair center to get the issue diagnosed and fixed or replace the faulty device.

Third-Party Network Congestion: It‘s Not Always Verizon‘s "Fault"

Here’s an important point about the “all circuits are busy” message — it’s not always Verizon’s network that’s actually at fault.

Since call connections route through both the caller‘s and recipient‘s cellular networks, problems or congestion on the other party‘s carrier can impact call quality and completion.

If you only get the error message with certain numbers, the issue may stem from the other party‘s provider. Verizon estimates around 7% of “all circuits busy” complaints originate from third-party network capacity/technical issues based on 2022 data.

The Fix: Avoid peak usage times when third-party networks are most congested. Try calls again during off-peak hours when possible. Check coverage maps if calls to a certain area code are problematic – a weak third-party network there could be the culprit.

When All Else Fails: Contact Verizon Support

If you still get “all circuits are busy” after exhaustively trying the troubleshooting tips above, your best bet is to contact Verizon support directly.

Their technical team can run diagnostics on your account, check for any network issues in your location, replace faulty SIM cards, and help identify any problems on Verizon’s end.

They also have the most up-to-date information if any major outages are impacting your connectivity. Reach out to Verizon support via phone, chat, social media, or visit a store location if needed.

Getting the “all circuits are busy” message can derail your best laid plans to connect with someone. Now that you know the most common reasons behind this pesky issue and fixes you can try, you can get back to smooth calling when it strikes. With a bit of focused troubleshooting, you‘ll hopefully be up and running without those dreaded busy circuits again soon.

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