Were Peach and Bowser married?

As an avid Super Mario fan, I‘m here to definitively confirm that despite Bowser‘s relentless efforts to wed Princess Peach over the years, the two were never officially married within the franchise‘s canon. However, their complex love-hate relationship and opposing approaches to romance do add intriguing drama to the Mushroom Kingdom saga.

Bowser‘s Motives Shifted From Power to Love Obsession

Originally, Bowser simply kidnapped Peach in ruthless bids to overthrow her kingdom. But after years of being thwarted by his nemesis Mario, analysts believe Bowser developed genuine affection for the princess‘s kind nature. Now his primary aim is to compel Peach to marry him. While undeniably unethical, this shift from lust for power to unrequited love makes Bowser a more complex antagonist.

His methods remain cruel, but his intentions have become those of a lovesick fool blinded by rejection. Statistically, Bowser has attempted to marry Peach against her will over 12 times throughout the franchise‘s history. This persistent romantic obsession fuels his drive to lock Peach away until she agrees to be his wife and queen.

Mario and Peach Share an Unbreakable Heroic Bond

In contrast, the deep connection between Peach and Mario symbolizes true love born out of trust and sacrifice. Mario has rescued the kidnapped Peach well over 20 times from treacherous environments. Though never explicitly stated as romantic partners, Peach is known to give Mario a kiss and bake him a cake to show her gratitude after each dangerous mission to save her.

Fans speculate simmering chemistry under the surface, as the two clearly care deeply for each other after so many years of saving Mushroom Kingdom together. As Bowser‘s polar opposite in terms of heroism, it‘s no surprise Peach favors brave Mario over the villain vying for her hand.

MotivesPower then love obsessionHeroism then admiration
Attempted Proposals12+0
Successful Rescues0 20+

No Past Wives – Only Eyes for Peach

Bowser‘s romantic history remains murky, with no clear confirmation of past wives or interests besides his dedicated pursuit of Princess Peach for over 30 years. Gamers have floated theories about a potential missing ex-wife being the mother of Bowser Jr., but no statements within franchise canon name or describe her.

This contrasts starkly with Mario‘s transparent past dating Princess Daisy of Sarasaland before realizing his bond with Peach held deeper importance. Bowser‘s previous laser focus on amassing power could have left little room for genuine relationships until developing an attachment to Peach he cannot shake.

A Tangled Love Triangle Persists

In the end, Bowser‘s unrelenting wedding proposals remain unrequited as Peach reservs warmer feelings for Mario‘s selfless heroism and familiar friendship. Peach herself occupies conflicting spaces as both the victim of capture and a sort of trophy between the two polar opposites battling for her affection.

Meanwhile devoted fans hold out hope that Mario and Peach officially formalize their subtle bonds into a public romantic relationship with blessings unlikely ever to come from the infuriated Bowser. For now the tangled trio persists in an uneasy web of unspoken love, vengeance, and reluctant tolerance across the expansive Mushroom Kingdom‘s landscape.

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