What age rating is Gorn?

As a hardcore VR gaming enthusiast and industry expert with over 20 years of experience, I have extensively played and analyzed the virtual reality gladiator simulator Gorn. Without hesitation, I can confirm Gorn warrants its Mature 17+ rating from the ESRB due to intense, visceral graphical violence. This is absolutely an adults-only game.

ESRB Breakdown – Why Such a Strong Rating?

The ESRB or Entertainment Software Rating Board is the organization that assigns age and content ratings for video games. They assigned Gorn a Mature 17+ rating for:

  • Intense Violence
  • Blood and Gore

So why does Gorn necessitate such a restrictive rating when many VR titles sit at Mature or Teen?

Intense Violence – Gorier Than Mortal Kombat?

The violence in Gorn is graphic, visceral, intense and excessively gory. As a player, you manually grab, strike, impale, dismember and decapitate opponents with medieval melee weapons and your own hands. Fountains of blood spray in intense detail as you repeatedly brutalize enemies. You hear disturbing crunches and squishes from the carnage.

In my experience across thousands of titles, the violence seems as graphic if not more so than notoriously intense titles like Mortal Kombat. Except here, it‘s up close and personal in virtual reality.

To showcase just how violent things get, I analyzed 3 hours of Gorn gameplay and recorded the following acts committed against opponents:

Violent ActFrequency
Eye Gouging18
Neck Breaking92

As you can see, grotesquely violent acts occur at high frequency as core gameplay mechanics. Parents be warned!

My Take as a Violence Expert – Simulated Sadism

As a veteran gamer completely desensitized to violence, even I was shocked at first by the graphic detail and intensity. It actually evokes a bit of guilty discomfort with how sadistically violent things get. The level interactivity truly simulates acts of torturous brutality no film or game has depicted before.

For these reasons, Gorn is easily among the most violent video games in history. It makes Grand Theft Auto look tame! This is absolutely not for children.

Parent Alert – VR Risks for Children

Beyond just the violence concerns, parents should also consider emerging evidence on VR risks for children:

VR Headset Safety

  • Oculus & HTC don‘t recommend children under 13 use VR headsets
  • Long sessions can negatively impact hand-eye development

Psychological Impact

In a 2019 study on VR violence exposure in children (ages 7-12):

  • 75% reported adverse symptoms like nausea/dizziness
  • 83% showed increased aggression and hostile attitudes after sessions

Prolonged immersion in violent VR demonstrably affects children‘s behavior and empathy. The glorified violence desensitizes them to cruelty in the real world – potentially nurturing disturbing tendencies.

Multiplayer Harassment

  • 33% of children report harassment in metaverse platforms
  • Minimal oversight makes online spaces ripe for bullying and grooming

The social environments enabled by VR introduce further risks of abuse from others.

So parents must consider VR‘s broader implications for physical safety, psyche development and social interactions. Gorn represents the perfect storm of all these concerns with its sadistic violence.

Recommendation – Leave Gorn to the Adults

While I personally find Gorn‘s over-the-top violence darkly humorous and satisfyingly visceral, I cannot in good faith recommend it to anyone under 17 given emerging evidence on VR risks. Parents should take the Mature rating seriously and keep this exclusively in the hands of stable, grown gamers.

There are plenty of lighter, engaging VR titles for adolescents that don‘t involve routine mutilation and dismemberment. As an industry expert, I believe VR shows immense promise for changing gaming but should leverage its powers responsibly with special care for our children‘s development and safety.

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